Thoughts about freeze temp for a 5 gallon bucket inside an insulated plastic tote


Nov 14, 2022
I want to know others thoughts about a freeze temp for an insulated tote I built. I installed 2 chicken nipples on a 5 gallon bucket, and placed it inside an average size plastic tote. I then sprayed foam insulation inside the tote all around the bucket. Once I fill the bucket and replace the bucket lid, I also lay a piece of insulation over the top before putting the tote lid back on. So far, the lowest temp it’s been in is 20 degrees. No freezing at all, not even a little frost. We are headed for temps as low as 10 degrees this week, and I’m concerned about how well it will hold up. Has anyone tried this type of insulated water method? Or have any insight to how low it would be successful in?
That's a physics experiment which you could easily calculate with a lot of knowns and a decent amount of relatively simple math.

Easier, however, to simply wait and see - since its a factor of the temp of the water when you fill it, the temp and humidity of the air, and the volume of air moving past the insulated container, as well as the effective R-value of the insulation, which serves to slow heat transfer.

How long the temp remains sub freezing will be a big factor, in addition to how far below freezing it gets.

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