Tomato bug help

Jul 22, 2021
I've got some type of bugs in my tomato plants, I checked some leaves under a microscope and confirmed there are russet mites but there is a larger mite as well that I haven't identified yet. It's leaving behind black specks on the underside of leaves and yellowish colored specks in clusters that I assume are eggs. There is no webbing anywhere so I don't think they are spider mites. Under the microscope they have the typical mite appearance but they are clear and have no color. I've sprayed twice with neem oil and that seems to help slow the yellowing of leaves a little for a few days and then it speeds up again. I don't want to use pesticides but I'm thinking I may not have an option if I want to get any tomatoes but I don't know what to use. I'm in southern Arizona and it is an indeterminate roma variety if that helps in deciding what I should use. I'd prefer to stick with an organic option before going to a chemical option, does anyone have any suggestions for me please and thank you.
Hi there. I’m having a similar issue with ONE of my tomato plants. It’s an indeterminate Roma variety as well. I’ve just been spraying with neem and cut off all the bad leaves plus anything below flowers or fruit. I have three nice tomatoes on the plant right now that I think will be ready this weekend.

Be consistent with spraying, once a week and not too much at one time to avoid burning the leaves. I usually spray in the evening so the stuff isn’t wet in the morning sun.

Good luck!
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