Two hens hatching chicks at the same time....


In the Brooder
Aug 18, 2019
This is in hope that my two araucanas will both go broody again this year! Last year I gave each of them some fertile eggs and they brooded them in different places. I put them into the same run once the chicks had hatched and one of the mums immediately started to peck the chicks that the other mum had hatched. I had to take her straight back out again and construct an emergency rearing run for just her - not fun! This year I'm a bit more switched on and wondered if I move them both to brood side by side (either with a low barrier or even on one big nest) will the each accept the other's chicks so I can keep them all in the same safe run? Once the chicks were a bit older and in a bigger space, the aggressive mum was fine and they all went about as a big group even once I let them go fully free range. Thanks for any advice!

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