Unexpected disaster strikes.


Jan 8, 2021
I had my first pip earlier today, refilled the water bin on my incubator, and left it go... Here's the problem. The seal on the inner tank sprung a leak and seeped over to the cardboard holders my eggs are in. The pipped egg is actually a bit out of his shell and seems fine, he didn't get wet, however 5 of my twelve, got cold because of the combination of forced air and dampness. they dropped to roughly 80 degrees, maybe high 70's. I swapped them out, and have them reheating. Candled one of the ones that was previously pretty active and see no movement.. Will they perk back up? or is it probable they died from cold shock? I'm going nuts.. all this time, then this happens in the last 24 hours.. 😒
If your temperature is consistent in the incubator the water spill will evaporate to increase the humidity. I wouldn't worry, incubators have different temp zone areas so you will have some that will be late hatches. Be patient. Monitor humidity and temps while your last batch hatches.
Those 5 eggs, all late hatches. one had no movement.. the others though have pipped, but are taking their good ol' time. the rest of my eggs have already hatched. looks like I would have had 100% hatch if not for the water leak :( .

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