water storage

haha.... little old Nova Scotia

If you see two SUV's in the drive we are ere... one is sketchy but if the envoy is gone so am I!

Didn't get as much done as I wished but is was crazy windy and cold.. we even took a break mid-day which is odd for us and were in the whirlpool by 5:30 to warm up.. with wine!

off to eat dinner now... if the smoke alarms will stop, the wind is blowing the wood stove smoke back down the flue!
It's been a rough couple of days. Some of that wind was hurricane force, I imagine there were smoke alarms going off all over the district. I put the hens out today, they're relieved, but discovered that my electric dog bowl appears to be failing. I cleaned it out and the hens ran off with pieces of ice, it was quite funny to watch. I've refilled it and checked the outlet. It could be the second fitting though, I'll check after breakfast. I never turn down a sausage, toast and fresh eggs when hubby's cooking!
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