we added HOT rocks to our coop

I heat up a gallon of water almost to boiling and put it in a clean Clorox container. I use this because the plastic seems stronger than the water jug I was using. Two nights ago it dropped to 12 degrees, I put it out around 10 pm, buried it mostly in the shavings and when I let them out at 7:30 am it was still warm.

I have a smallish hen house, 4'x6'x4.5' and six birds. I did cut down on the ventilation; there was a lot. I'm a big fan of hot water bottles. I think that burying it in the shavings helps.

Mary in Colorado
Mary, i was thinking the same thing...my milk bottles are very flimsy. Clorox bottle are def. thicker....I think we have a one, possible two downstairs, i'll have to check. thanks for throwing that info out there.

RocketDad...thanks for the great info....It would be def. a lot easier to carry out a closed bottle than a hot rock. But we were thinking...it was below 0 degrees the other night and didn't know what to do...


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