Went through all my chickens today!


Apr 17, 2018
Tucson, AZ
Was listing all my chickens today, and I’m pretty proud of my mix!

My roosters are a backyard mix (white rock/marans mix) and a black marans
I have
4 EE -2 black (Avicci and Prince), 1 Wheaton (Miley) 1blue Wheaton (Crookie... long story)
1 Andalusian (Taylor)
1 Houdan (Pink)
1 crested polish (Marvin stage name “Tina Turner”)
1 buff Orpington (Goldie)
2 anconas (Salt n Peppa)
2 red sex links (Shawn and Harriet)
2 speckled Sussex (Garfunkel and Oats)
1 white leghorn (dolly partHen)
3 black marans (as a group, the Jackson 5-we lost one)
5 Wheaton marans (The Backstreet Boys)
5 cuckoo marans (The spice girls)
1 buttercup (Barbara Streishen )
2 olive eggers (legbar over Delaware) (Joan and Nancy)
2 ameraucanas (Brittney and Christina)
1 Rhode Island Red (Reba Cluckntyre)
And I think that’s about it 🤣 but I sure love my back yard flock!
I did this too the other day!!
I have a small little flock, but it was cold and instead of being with them, I listed them. Lol.

Blanca (leghorn)

Osprey (EE - white)

Daisy (SLW)

Albus (leghorn)

Hagrid (EE - blk/tan)

Harry (EE - blk/tan)

Hermione (EE -reddish)

Minerva (EE - tan/gray)

Ginny (Welsummer)

Ridley (Welsummer)

Fred (production red)

Omalley (production red)

Ron (production red)

Red (production red-mottled)

Padfoot (barred rock)

Prongs (barred rock)

Moony (barred rock)

Boss (EE rooster)

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