What do chicks like to eat?


May 4, 2020
Im new at raising chicks and I have 3 chicks and they have their chick food. I also give them oats sometimes and I boil eggs sometimes and feed them that which they love.

I’ve seen people say you can feed them table scraps.. does that include pretty much any scrap? Can they eat just whatever.. like if I have bread or pasta as scraps will they eat things like that?

What foods should be avoided?
How old are your chicks? what feed are they currently getting?

Any treats you provide dilute their nutrition from their feed. As chicks they are growing feathers like crazy and feathers are protein, so give treats very sparingly. Instead of oatmeal, give them a wet mash of their feed, sprinkle some small seeds on top or the scrambled/boiled egg. Just add water to the feed and get it to a consistency they like. My flock loves this treat and I know they are still getting the nutrition they need.

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