What gender are these Americaunas? 7-10W


In the Brooder
Sep 15, 2016
Nova Scotia
Easter Eggers, not Ameraucanas, and you have two cockerels and two (likely) pullets. Using photo four as a reference: Left is a cockerel, front right is a cockerel, back right is probably a pullet, and middle is probably a pullet.
Easter Eggers, not Ameraucanas, and you have two cockerels and two (likely) pullets. Using photo four as a reference: Left is a cockerel, front right is a cockerel, back right is probably a pullet, and middle is probably a pullet.
Why do you say EE and not Ameraucanas? We purchased them as that and they came from a farm who only had them.
Why do you say EE and not Ameraucanas? We purchased them as that and they came from a farm who only had them.

It's extremely common for EEs to be missold as real Ameraucanas. It is also incorrect. Easter Eggers are a cousin of the Ameraucana and are a type rather than a breed. They have no varieties and can be any color and are not a "real" breed. Many will lay blue or green eggs, but not all. Ameraucanas, on the other hand, are always seen in a specific color variety (e.g. Blue, Wheaten, Lavender), are bred to a Standard, and are quite a bit rarer and more expensive (you might pay $5 for an EE chick but $15-$20 for an Ameraucana chick).

Examples of Easter Eggers (Not my photos):





Examples of Ameraucanas (also not my photos):



Wheaten Hen


Wheaten Cock
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Why do you say EE and not Ameraucanas? We purchased them as that and they came from a farm who only had them.
Nonstandard colors and clean faced. Can't be Ameraucana. Most birds sold as Ameraucana are actually Easter Eggers. The easiest way to figure out if you have Easter Eggers or Ameraucana is how they were advertised. Ameraucana are always sold with a color/variety specified. If no color/variety is specified at purchase, they are most likely Easter Eggers.


L to R - cockerel, pullet, cockerel, pullet.

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