What is the best calcium-enriched feed?

Apr 9, 2019
My hens aren't doing well at all. I use this feed (and I always have) and my hens are laying broken, thin shelled eggs. I think it has to do with the feed.
What's the best feed that I can use that is organic and non-GMO and is good for their egg production?

P.S. My hens are red sexlinks. I have a broody one. Any way to break her of that?
it is very rare to have a RSL go broody, If you are sure she s broody and do not want her to be then you put her in an egg box with a wire floor so she cannot peep her eggs warm
I know! She growls at everything and stays in there all day and doesn't lay eggs, but she's not acting broody other than that.
I can take her out of the nesting box. I can get eggs from under her.

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