What will my chick be?

I think the mother is probably a Barred Rock.

And if I am right about a Barred Rock being the mother, that chick should be female. Buff Orpington father x Barred Rock mother is a pairing that makes sex-linked chicks: sons have a light dot on top of their head at hatch, and have white barring in their feathers, while daughters do not get the light dot or the white barring.
I hope your right...I checked the wing to see if I could maybe sex it and it appeared to have female wings but I'm not an expert by any means lol
Is this a different chick than your other thread? It looks very much like the other one, so it might have the same mother.

If it has finished drying and gotten fluffy, another picture could be helpful. Some chicks show stripes or spots that are hard to see when they are wet, but easy to see after the chick dries off and fluffs up.

(If it is the same chick as the one in the other thread, and were having trouble with getting things to post right, a mod could combine them into one thread. But if it is a different chick, then it might make sense to leave them in separate threads.)
Is this a different chick than your other thread? It looks very much like the other one, so it might have the same mother.

If it has finished drying and gotten fluffy, another picture could be helpful. Some chicks show stripes or spots that are hard to see when they are wet, but easy to see after the chick dries off and fluffs up.

(If it is the same chick as the one in the other thread, and were having trouble with getting things to post right, a mod could combine them into one thread. But if it is a different chick, then it might make sense to leave them in separate threads.)
It's the same chick....I'm probably doing something wrong lol I don't know a thing about technology bahahahaha
I hope your right...I checked the wing to see if I could maybe sex it and it appeared to have female wings but I'm not an expert by any means lol
Sexing chicks by their wing feathers is probably not going to work with the chickens you have.

It is only possible when someone crosses a fast-feathering rooster with slow-feathering hens. There are an annoying number of places on the internet that miss that important point. Some entire breeds have fast feathering (so they all look "female") and some other breeds have only slow feathering (so they all look "male").

There is a very good chance that your rooster and hens do not have the right genes to make feather-sexing possible.
I have hatched dozens of them and I have rir rooster so I get lots of rir mixes. 😊
Have you had a RIR mixed with Buff Orpington? The first post said this chick has a Buff Orpington father, so a Rhode Island Red mother would mean a BOxRIR mix chick.

Personally, I think a BO x BR is more likely, given the color of the chick (Buff Orpington father, Barred Rock mother.)
As it grows it will get more markings like it’s parents and then we will tell. As I looked back threw my pictures - Pecan ( Buff Orpington) and Buddy (Rhode Island Red) there daughter lily looked like that so you might be right 😊🙌

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