What's the dumbest thing you've done to protect your chickens?

We had a bobcat siteing. I was outside loving on my chickies around dusk. Just fixing to put them up when a bobcat ran out from behind the coop and chicken yard!!! It took off for our ditch which is chest high in grass and weeds. I had my 14yr old go in the house and get the .22 and the bigger one (don't know what they are all called. He knew exactly what I was talking about!!) The two of us stood out there until well past midnite shooting into the ditch. When we were sure it had to be dead my son walked into the road and that stupid bobcat slowly crept out of the ditch and into the road!!! He was still alive!!! So my son popped him in the butt with the bigger gun! Never saw him again.....thank goodness.
I heard my chickens squawking in the coop one night and realized I had forgotten to close the door so I ran outside in my underwear with a handgun and a flashlight at 11 pm. Turns out there had been a skunk but he'd already fled the coop.

Glad it was dark out.
Oh, this is definatley my topic.

I had a pair of oeg chickens in the back of a van because the other chickens didn't like them.
I ran outside in the middle of a thunderstorm, it was huge! lightning,rushing winds and all that fun stuff, and the coop door busted open and all the chickens got out and our dogs go crazy during storms and lose it so the dogs were chasing the chickens and i was chasing the dogs in a very dangerous thunderstorm
I heard a commotion outside at 12 am and turned on the light and looked outside and saw something had been trying to get the chicks, well my dad forgot to seal them up too and they roost on top of our 8 FOOT run and whatever it was, got on top of the run and was chasing them around so i then got on top of the coop [4ft] and got a board and hit whever it was trying to eat my chickies, then they all ran over to me and jumped on my shoulders and i had a problem, i had no light, it blew out somehow, so 12 am, pitch black dark and chicks on my shoulders and i couldnt get down because i couldnt see the ground and its a death trap around the coop so i had to start screaming for my dad who was still awake, and he thought i was a dog trying to get the chicks and he got a board and nearly hit me until i screamed ITS ME!!!

I've done some pretty stupid things too :]
We forgot to lock on of the roosters up one night, at the time he was my newest bird. Adam and I were outside after dark with a flashlight looking for him. We found him and the bird had roosted ON TOP of the chicken wire of the chicken run(we use chicken wire to cover our run). He was a good 10' up in the air. Well, we just had to get him down so we can put him up.

I grabbed a broom hand and was standing in the middle of the chicken run poking up at the chicken wire underneath the rooster trying to get him to flush to the ground. He didn't budge and when he did, it was to go higher onto the coop. Sooo, we used a dog leash on the end of a bamboo pole. We fashioned the dog leash into a noose at the end of this 15'(!!!) bamboo pole. Adam slid the noose over top of the bird,the bird felt the noose and started to get up and move. Adam JERKED the pole to tighten the noose, afraid to loose the bird. He SNAGGED the bird perfectly on the leg with the dog-leash noose and the rooster goes flying through the air on the end of this 15'(!!!) bamboo pole.

Like a kid jerking a little bream fish out of the water over the his head in a perfect arch to land on the bank behing him. It was hilarious, we didn't stop laughing til much later that night.

I have gathered every male member of my house (DH and four sons) to "mark the territory" around our yard becasue of our coyote problems.........they still think I am loony.

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