Which of my hens should be crossed with my rooster?


Jan 12, 2021
Lorane Oregon
Hello, I am raising rumpless black Araucana chicks (only 1 of 4 have tuffs) and would like to make a stable cleaned neck medium size blue egg layer with a tail that can also be used to make an olive egger clean with no muffs tuffs beards etc. I currently have 13 hens : 5x golden sexlink, 5 x F1 Easter egger (2-3 lay a nice blue egg) , 1 x Buff Orpington, 2 x lavender Orpington. I have a lavender buff cross chick and 4 black Araucana chicks in the brooder. I do have a lavender rooster as well and feel like I’ll end up with a Araucana roo too. Can I do anything with this line up? I would love to here y’all’s ideas :)
That lavender rooster is beautiful! He looks nice and chunky, too.

I would give away or sell off the sex links and work with the rest of what you have.

You can select the eggs.

Got a broody hen? Only let her set the blue or green eggs. Take the brown or white ones away at night or when she’s off the nest for a moment getting something to eat.
I would like a rooster with blue egg laying genes and a tail to breed and make more Easter eggers. Was thinking about breading my Araucana Rooster to the EE hens and then pick a rooster with a tail that looks nice (no tuffs) and then use him to breed to all my Easter egger hens with tails for more EE’s. I guess this would reduce the amount of offspring without tails etc and produce a chicken with blue/green eggs colors. I would also assume I could take that nice rooster I made and breed him to the sexlinks and get a light avocado or green egg layer EE as well? 🐥
I really wanted some type of fancy tailed blue egg layers but ended up getting 5 rumpless Araucana eggs for 15 bucks and in disbelief 4 hatched even with 3 of the eggs saddle bagged and 1 scrambled.

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