Who am I?


12 Years
Apr 29, 2007
These chicks are ~6-8 weeks old. I am wanting to know to what they are and which sex they are to satisfy my curiosity please. Any help is greatly appreciated!

Chicken 1: Green legs and a clump-like comb


Chicken 2: White with some greyish feathers


Chicken 3: Cuckoo Maran hen or rooster?

Chicken 4: Black Star (I think) hen or rooster?


Chickens 5 and 6: Bantams of some sort
Brown should be boy and white should be girl

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OK, the brown boy looks like my banty, and someone just clarified that it was a mille fleur d'uccle. But i don't see any muffs on him, does he have them?

The others I've no clue, but the green looks are awesome, sure glad God saw fit not to make my legs green, tho! Looks good on the chicken....me, not so much!
The first one looks like an easter egger (ameraucana cross). Not sure on the others.

The one is Millie Fluer in color but I can't tell if it's a d'uccle or not. D'uccles have muffs and feathered feet. I can't tell if it's a boy or girl from those pictures.
First white looks like a boy, maran looks like a boy, and the last white looks like a girl. I'm in the middle with the black one.
CarriBrown - are you referring to the white bantam as a girl or the white standard chicken in the pic with the black chicken as a girl? I just want clarification before I offer him/her up for sale.

Both the bantams have fluffy feathers around their necks (like a furry collar on a coat). Only the brown one has feathered feet. The white one doesn't. They're just as sweet as can me. The white one rides on my shoulder and the brown one likes riding on my head - I take him/her down though. Poop in the hair isn't fun.

I hope Chicken 1 isn't a roo. That's my 'purse chicken'. She rides on my hip everywhere. We water together, we weed together, and she's the only one that won't run from me when I go to put her back in her cage.

The Cuckoo did doodle-doo this morning, so definitely a he!

Thanks for all who replied! And if anyone needs roosters, I have them coming out my ears!!!
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Well, I only know one for sure, the Black Star( I see gold on her chest and neck) is a girl, for sure, black sex-link males look like barred rocks. Black Stars are probably my favorite chicken, had them for about 5 or 6 years now.

I'll make a guess on the others, the first one an EE, lokking very roo like, the white one a Splash Blue Andalusian (???), and the last two cuties I'd say are OEGB of some color variation.
Angie - thanks for the confirmation on the Black Star. I keep studying the pics on McMurray's site and thinking she's a hen.
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I've got doodle-dooing flooding my yard. My purse chicken is the only one who hasn't done anything (not even stretching his neck) except coo at me. They grow right before your eyes! I was surprised to hear Bleu crow at 6 weeks!
First one is a Easter Egger cockerel
Second is a Splash Andalusian cockerel
Third is a Cuckoo Maran Cockerel(if its not a barred rock)
Fourth is a Black Andalusian cockerel -- I am pretty sure that Black Stars have dark legs like that
Fifth is a Mille Fleur d'Uccle (cant tell on roo or female but look slike a female from the pic.)
Sixth one is a Black Tailed White Japanese pullet

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