Will a black cockerel result in all black chicks

Mar 1, 2021
we are hatching eggs that were fertilised by a black cockerel- EE I think, will our range of colour EE or Legbar cross chicks have the black phenotype and is it dominant?
I know nothing of chicken genetics
If your black cockerel is homozygous for black, then yes, all the chicks will be black, but there could be what they call leakage, which is red feathers in the hackles and wings. Since your cockerel is an EE, it’s possible he is heterozygous for black, so then about half the chicks will be black and half will be whatever combination his other gene makes when mixed with your various hens’ genes.

If your Legbar cross pullets are barred, then the chicks that hatch from your Legbar eggs should be sexable. Only the boys will have barring. Look for a white dot on the back of their head at hatching.
wow thank you!
its fascinating, I will do some asking around about the chickens
if we are able to sex some of them, that would make things a lot easier

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