Will setting eggs at 12:00 p.m and in the bator at 6:00 p.m cause my eggs to hatch at 6:PM at day 21


7 Years
Nov 19, 2012
Miami, Florida
My Coop
My Coop
i have ameraucana chicken eggs on day 21. i was expecting to see pipping this morning(day21), but all i see are the eggs wiggling.
i set the eggs at 12:00 p.m and put the in the bator at 6:00 pm. will my eggs hatch at 6:00 p.m? please respond if you know! thanks
It's not quite that exact. They may hatch within a 48 hour period [or more] around the 21 day mark.
my temp has been 98-99 and humidity between 50 and 60 %. today i bumped it up today to like 65-70%. day 18-20 humidity was between 60-64%. do you think they will hatch today? i am so anxious to see those little cuties!!!!!!!!
Well they will probably hatch between today and the next two days. I personally would rather have the temp between 99-100* dry humidity til day 18 bump up to 70 or above. There are others that do it your way. Either way I wish you luck..and here is some

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I've hatched at least 6 groups. I guess my incubator must be a starter one because it isn't as advanced as these being talked about. I have had very successful hatches though. I didn't know there was a wrong side. I've only read that you stop turning them three days before they are due (day 21). And then they settle into their own position to hatch from. After they start hatching the newbies move the other eggs around anyway. (In my tractor supply incubator without the turning accessory). I have some very healthy chirping little chicks that just hatched on Friday/Sat.
now i have serama eggs on day 14. when do i stop turning, when can i expect pip (temp has been 99F and 60% humidity) what should i turn the humidity up too ? thanks and please respond soon!

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