Wood chips in run, will it hurt their feet? Splinters etc?

Yes, those are 8 foot tall t posts, pounded in to be 6 feet tall. I got them at Tractor Supply, they are made by Franklin Industries. (Not sure what you have over there, but here is the link https://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/product/franklin-industries-studded-t-post-8-ft125-lb-per-foot )

I did a little work spreading the pile, but I didn’t take away all their fun, they worked on that pile for 6 months! 😂
Ok just so my random question to you isn't off topic, I use wood chips in my run too. Free from the county.

I was thinking of redoing my run with t posts. How did you do your gate/door? That's what I'm stuck on for t posts. I've got plenty of them.

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