Worried about my alpha rooster


Apr 16, 2015
About 5 days ago I noticed my alpha rooster was acting strange, He has been hanging back, tail down even let me pick him up. I 1st thought he lost his alpha status and is sulking. But as the days go by he hasn't changed. He is eating and drinking though possibly eating slightly less. I sat out and watched them today. He just stood in the corner tail down and looked like he was dozing off.
If he is sulking how long would it last? And if he is sick what could it be? Nothing was visibly wrong with him when I checked him the other day.
*they have previously been treated for coccid this past January*
intr.v. sulked, sulk·ing, sulks
To be sullenly aloof or withdrawn, as in silent resentment or protest.
A mood or display of sullen aloofness or withdrawal: stayed home in a sulk;
I do. But even after separating them he wasn't acting right. The cage I have him in was full of loose bright green droppings this morning. He is eating,though not as much as normal and is drinking ok.
He is also letting me pick him up which is out of character.
Well,then I don't think he could have lost his Alpha Status.It's hard to fight threw a cage.

He could be sick.He isn't weezing or anything right?

Also his hens may be finding interest in another roosters.Have you had any deaths lately?

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