Wry neck-help!


Jun 1, 2019
I have a pullet who has developed wry neck. I’m unsure if it’s from an injury or if she vitamin deficient. The first day we noticed it she was able to walk still and straighten her neck. The next day she deteriorated her neck got more crooked and she seems unable to stand and is always trying to back up which causes her more stress and she flaps around. I immediately separated her from the rest of the pullets. She’s in the house with us. She still eats when I straighten her head up for her. I’ve been feeding her scrambled eggs with 16% layer crumbled mixed with water. She doesn’t seem interested in drinking the water so I mixed it with her food to make a mash. I’ve been giving her vitamin E with selenium and I’ve also had her on poly vi sol. We’re on day three and everyone’s right it’s gets worse before it gets better. I’m just hoping it gets better. I’m wondering if anyone has any ideas on how I could keep her from flapping around maybe hurting herself worse????! Also am I missing anything as far as how I’ve been treating her???

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