You Know you are addicted to peafowl when...


9 Years
Sep 16, 2010
Pensacola, FL
I decided to make a fun topic like this because I liked the one for chickens here:

So you complete the sentence:
You know you are addicted to peafowl when...

I'll start it off...
You know you are addicted to peafowl when you have a 2,451 page powerpoint (and growing) filled with mainly my favorite peafowl photos I have found plus some general info and links to websites that I like.
You know you are addicted to peafowl when you check the supermarket flyer to see what's on sale this week, but you still buy the $4.50 imported Argentinian blueberries because they are the favorite pea treat.
Haha that is a good one! That reminds me of something...

You know you are addicted to peafowl when your mom buys grapes at the store and you don't eat all the grapes and let them get kind of old so that you can then give them to the peafowl. XD Haha
You know your addicted to peas when noone in your house likes banannas,yet after a grocery store trip you find a bunch in the bottom of the bag wifey or daughter has slipped in,,then when they are unpacked they are put in a brown paper bag to allow to ripen with a "do not touch" note on the bag.
You know your addicted to peas when noone in your house likes banannas,yet after a grocery store trip you find a bunch in the bottom of the bag wifey or daughter has slipped in,,then when they are unpacked they are put in a brown paper bag to allow to ripen with a "do not touch" note on the bag.
I can relate to this one. LOL! But my wife does eat them. I just make sure she buys more than she can eat. Plus my mom always buys too many also.
When you buy a hen hut to put in your daughters room for that little pea that is too young and small to go outside in the winter... and when everybody you work with knows you have peafowl but very few know that you have a spouse
When you buy a hen hut to put in your daughters room for that little pea that is too young and small to go outside in the winter... and when everybody you work with knows you have peafowl but very few know that you have a spouse

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