Recent content by abercrombie575

  1. abercrombie575

    Can you mix up a bunch of eggs and freeze for later

    Mix then up and freeze in ice trays. When they're frozen break the ice trays and store in freezer bags. When you use them in recipes 1 cube = 1 egg.
  2. abercrombie575

    Is a door necessary in the coop?

    I have an open air coop/run. It was a three sided shed that we added a run to the front of it. As long as our run is secure REALLY SECURE then there's no need for a door.I live in Georgia where the weather does not get very cold and my chickens have done fine.
  3. abercrombie575

    hen or roos?

    These chicks are 5 weeks old. Do you see hens or roos in these pictures? Thank you for any info!
  4. abercrombie575

    What are you canning now?

    Muscadine sauce and muscadine jelly are DONE. I am going to North Georgia in about a week to get apples... lots and lots of apples! I can't wait to get started on those.
  5. abercrombie575

    What are you canning now?

    I was up late last night canning muscadine sauce. I must have been really tired because I didn't even taste it before I sealed the jars!! It smelled good though!
  6. abercrombie575

    *Pouring rain and chickens!!*

    Rain brings out all kinds of good bugs from the soil... for a chicken a good bug is worth getting wet over!
  7. abercrombie575

    Moving my chicks outside

    Where do you live? How cold is it there? I have 6 chicks right now that are 3 weeks and a few days old. They are outside but they are with a mama hen and we are in Georgia where the weather is not to cold. I am sure someone else will have more knowledge than me but it can be done if you keep...
  8. abercrombie575

    Molting - Broody

    Can't be rooster damage... no rooster. We got the fertilized eggs from a friend when she went broody. She has lost lots more feathers now but I can also see that some are starting to grow back in.
  9. abercrombie575

    Molting - Broody

    My broody hen's hatched about 2 weeks ago. Now she is losing all of her feathers. Is it normal for her to molt after sitting on the nest for so long or is this totally unrelated and she is just molting. BTW she is 2.5 years old and this is the FIRST time she has gone broody and the first time...
  10. abercrombie575

    Hi all

    Welcome! Glad you joined us!
  11. abercrombie575

    Chicken "Jungle Gym" of Swinging Chicken Penelope

    I didn't look at your location before I clicked on the video link but as soon as I heard your voice I knew you were from Louisiana. Ahhh... music to my ears to hear that cajun accent. I have lots of family there in Baton Rouge and Lafayette. It just made me smile. Thank you.
  12. abercrombie575

    My first chicks - How old are they?

    I have some that are 2 weeks old that have the same amount of feathers.
  13. abercrombie575

    We have layers now at 21 week old, what to feed

    I feed mine layer pellets. The layer crumbles seem to get lost on the ground... if they knock the pellets out onto the ground they can still see it to eat it. I also give scratch in the cold months as a treat. I have read that you don't want to feed scratch in the warm months because corn...
  14. abercrombie575

    Post pic of your broody hens

    Quote: Those hens were not broody... they were on strike!!!
  15. abercrombie575

    1 egg from 25 hens!

    Do you have a snake? Or another critter that is eating your eggs. I mean one egg from 25 hens is NOT the norm, right? I thought my girls were slowing down too until I found their secret nest under the nesting boxes - there were about 20 eggs in there! Just my opinion but you need to...
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