Recent content by ameliadanielle

  1. ameliadanielle

    Breed of these chicks?

    The last couple of years TSC usually only has silkies, cochins, oegb, D'Uccles, and one time I got some Brahma bantams and some japanese. Anything else and I'm lost.
  2. ameliadanielle

    Breed of these chicks?

    Thank you! I've never seen these before. I've been googling until all chickens are starting to look alike. Haha.
  3. ameliadanielle

    Breed of these chicks?

    My daughter bought some more TSC chicks even though we have stopped raising babies of our own because of her bird dander allergy. Lol. These all came from the TSC mixed bantam bin. We have two buff silkies, a BB red OEGB, and two who knows. We thought they would end up being some other color of...
  4. ameliadanielle

    Show Off Your American Gamefowl and Chat Thread!!!

    You don't have to respond anymore. She has no access to wet or rancid feed, she is indoors. I made that clear. Was indoors before she got sick. She has access to clean water and dry food in cups hanging on the outside of the cage. So their water is not close to their food, and there is no food...
  5. ameliadanielle

    Show Off Your American Gamefowl and Chat Thread!!!

    She's still not straightening her neck out, but at least it doesn't look like a candy cane today.
  6. ameliadanielle

    Show Off Your American Gamefowl and Chat Thread!!!

    She's holding her head up today. Her neck is still not as straight as it should be, but her head isn't shaking and she's able to eat and drink on her own. So I'm just going to keep putting vitamins in her water. All I did yesterday was bring her in, overdose her on vitamins and help her drink...
  7. ameliadanielle

    Show Off Your American Gamefowl and Chat Thread!!!

    They're all shut up in the garage again. We have mosquitoes swarming. Like the size of helicopters. Every fall when the bugs are thick I end up with a sick bird or two. They are worse now than they were through the summer. We moved them back in the garage to keep them away from the mosquitoes...
  8. ameliadanielle

    Show Off Your American Gamefowl and Chat Thread!!!

    I usually feed a 20% layer pellet, with scratch and the occasional treats of leftovers or vegetable scraps.
  9. ameliadanielle

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    It happened so suddenly too. She's almost laying age. I'm keeping a closer eye on everyone else now. In case she was just the first. If it's due to injury, she will have to be culled. I put vitamins in everyone's water.
  10. ameliadanielle

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    I've never had to deal with it really. Only saw it in a chick once. She was normal yesterday and this morning. This afternoon, couldn't even drink by herself. If the vitamins don't work in a day or so or she gets worse, I will just cull her.
  11. ameliadanielle

    Show Off Your American Gamefowl and Chat Thread!!!

    Wry neck. Usually chicks get it. Rare in adult chickens. Caused by vitamin deficiency, trauma, or botchulism, probably a few other causes too. I can't think of anything that could have caused it except the shitty feed from TSC I bought.
  12. ameliadanielle

    Show Off Your American Gamefowl and Chat Thread!!!

    Got lazy, didn't want to drive out of town for the normal feed I get at a local mill. Bought feather fixer feed at TSC. Almost to the end of the bag and one of my game pullets now has crookneck. I syringed her rooster booster and water. She can still hold her head up somewhat, but it almost...
  13. ameliadanielle

    Show Off Your American Gamefowl and Chat Thread!!!

    I don't think it's a bad thing. I've been waiting for one of them to put on some weight. He's still young, so still maturing. This is his first adult molt. I just didn't expect him to grow that fast. He's using the extra protein to bulk up instead of replace feathers. He's been the smaller of...
  14. ameliadanielle

    Show Off Your American Gamefowl and Chat Thread!!!

    I finally asked my dad how long it was going to take before these games looked like roosters again instead scraggly pincushions. He says they should be done molting by November or December. Omg. They started last month. Lol. I'm not used to that. My boys still have no big tail feathers. I've...
  15. ameliadanielle

    Show Off Your American Gamefowl and Chat Thread!!!

    We don't have any tall trees near our house. Subdivision was built on what was a field. So the subdivision only has small, young trees. So thankfully no limbs and downed trees.
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