Recent content by bantiesrule

  1. bantiesrule

    Surviving Minnesota!

    I love dandelions. My husband and I were married in our front yard and that was what we had for a back drop. Beautiful wedding photos. It was a bumper crop that year, haven't had that much yellow in the yard since then.
  2. bantiesrule

    Surviving Minnesota!

    And it scares the begeezees out of you!
  3. bantiesrule

    Show off your Old English Game Bantams!!

    While in the reply box, click on the landscape photo button and it will let you search your images. Click the one(s) you want and they should download to here. I'm not sure but I think you might have to be on byc for awhile before you can post photos, not sure on that, though. Try it and see...
  4. bantiesrule

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Me Too!!! My pop door is open all summer long but I have a secure run that I lock up every night. ETA: Cute chicks, keep the pictures coming!!!!
  5. bantiesrule

    Surviving Minnesota!

    I think Ivie has you mixed up with me. My real name is Lilly (well Lillian really). On another note, anyone out there (besides me that is) a rock hound? Great show next weekend in Brainerd. Lots of fun, interesting things going on there.
  6. bantiesrule

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Anyone still interested in these? Judy was thinking about digging some up this weekend, either Saturday afternoon or Sunday, whichever would work best for you. (Only one day, though, not both.) The orchard is located about 4 miles west of Randall. If anyone is interested, please pm me with phone...
  7. bantiesrule

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Yes, I do but I let my colors all run together so I don't have any that are pure to that color. These are in quarantine right now but will be free ranging with the rest soon.
  8. bantiesrule

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Just sharing a few pics of my new little ones: and my new purchase. a trio of Porcelain old english and 2 splash hens.
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