Recent content by Chicken'n'bees

  1. Chicken'n'bees

    Hen that won't lay and acts strange.

    Thanks RonB, I'll keep an eye on her. I read some of the threads about egg bound hens. I'm not sure if that is the problem or not, but it does sound likely. About a week ago there was an egg layed off the roost and splattered down the wall, no shell. This hen has acted strange for months...
  2. Chicken'n'bees

    Hen that won't lay and acts strange.

    We have a year old brown leghorn hen, it has only layed one egg early on around 22 --24 weeks. It hasn't layed since, as far as we know. Her abdomen is hard and doesn't seem to be interested in eating, she is a loner when she is free ranging. When she sits on the roost she is very still and...
  3. Chicken'n'bees

    Strong tasting eggs

    I'm glad that I am not the only one who was a bit afraid to say that I can't handle the smell of the eggs. I had asked an earlier question because I thought some eggs smelled FISHY, maybe it's just a strong egg smell, but gross. When we scrambled eggs yesterday, I had to smell each one and I...
  4. Chicken'n'bees

    Fishy smelling egg.

    My son just asked if oyster shells could make them smell fishy???
  5. Chicken'n'bees

    Fishy smelling egg.

    I definitely didn't eat the smelly one. We only have 5 hens that are laying, so I don't think that we missed this egg from another day. They eat feed and then I give them vegetable and fruit scraps, yogurt about 2 times a week. They free roam the yard in the evenings, so I don't know what...
  6. Chicken'n'bees

    Fishy smelling egg.

    I'm not sure where to ask a question about eggs. But, I decided to try this section. I cracked an egg and I got a fishy smell from it. I don't know what would cause it, could it be rotten? How long can an egg sit in a nest before it is collected? We usually gather eggs a couple of times a...
  7. Chicken'n'bees

    Chicken acting strange, HELP!

    Thanks! I watched her this morning when I gave them some hen scratch and she was moving more and actually ate some from the roost. I think I'll keep a watch on her and see if it was just some strange thing for a couple of days. I wondered if she could have a backed up egg? She still hasn't...
  8. Chicken'n'bees

    Chicken acting strange, HELP!

    I noticed yesterday when I offered vegetables to the chickens that one of the chickens just stood on the roost and would not come down. I went to the chicken and offered it to her. She just stood stiff and would not move her head at all. Then when the chickens were going to roost in the coop...
  9. Chicken'n'bees

    Soft shell egg and shelless egg from same chicken in one day?

    For the past 3 or 4 days we have been finding two weird eggs under the roost, either late at night when we go to check on them and then this morning. It looks like they are being laid while they are on the roost, and they are right together like the same bird is laying them. The chickens are...
  10. Chicken'n'bees

    Integrating chicks with pullets?

    Thanks for the idea of hiding spots for them, I think I'll try the box with a hole in it. I think that we have enough space for them all. The run is 10 x 5 feet and we have roosts that they jump up on and a raised flat surface, so they can also get some shade under it. We are waiting for...
  11. Chicken'n'bees

    Integrating chicks with pullets?

    How do you get20 week pullets (5 of all different varieties) to accept and integrate with 9 week chicks, one is a BO hen and the other a white Leghorn rooster. Today we put them in the run with the the older ones and the poor buff got pecked on her beak so that there was a bit of blood, and she...
  12. Chicken'n'bees

    Organic feed?

    Thanks. I will see what I can find and check with the feed store to see if I can get it there or order it.
  13. Chicken'n'bees

    Organic feed?

    I would like to keep my chickens as much organic as I can. Does anyone know if I should be giving them any type of feed? I've been giving the chicks a Nutrena grower/starter, and just switched the 19 week pullets to a Nutrena layer crumble, are these considered organic? I'm not sure about...
  14. Chicken'n'bees

    First and Second Egg, different colors.

    We got our first egg yesterday. Yay! It was a very light brown, almost white. Then today we got a second egg, a darker brown. Both were not very large, but still nice looking. My question is... Can one pullet lay different colored eggs, or are we having two pullets lay? Our chickens are...
  15. Chicken'n'bees

    Nearing completion!! My cute coop --lots o' pics!!

    That is a cute coop. I have an old window that I am using on the side of our coop and it will raise up, like yours does. How are you making it stay open? I was wondering about a chain to hold it up or just putting a board in to hold open. I am excited to see your coop finished.
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