Recent content by CluckyCluck

  1. CluckyCluck

    Dosage for Duramycin/Tetracycline??

    Nothing, I thought I remember the dosage and I put two tbsp in one gallon and they are all fine. today I came back here just to be sure and see I way overdid it. All of my babies are just fine and today have the right dose.
  2. CluckyCluck

    Has this girl lost her stinkin' mind?

    Oh my gosh. I could choke her. She is the SMALLEST adult chicken I have, and I mean tiny. She's got sort of a silky head and a partridge cochin body and coloring - feathered feet. Anyway, she has been sitting and sitting on eggs for weeks. I keep taking them away, but was letting her sit on 1...
  3. CluckyCluck

    Breeding question

    Okay, so I haven't thought about this because I never raised babies...but now I am. I have 1 rooster and 7 hens - 7 babies from the rooster/hens. When the babies grow up, isn't the rooster going to "do it" with the hens who are his babies? What do other people do? Separate them
  4. CluckyCluck

    Need help determining if it's alive.

    Thank you Sally, I was scanning the threads but none really said if the chick will be an acrobatic once you pip of if it is normal to hear nothing or see nothing. I have sinced researched shrink wrap ( i move quick)- and I think that's what happened to this chick. The membrane was tight...
  5. CluckyCluck

    Need help determining if it's alive.

    Internally pipped last night and was really chirping loud, today nothing. I found the air sac and I pipped for it just now and nothing happened. I can see it in there, but there is no movement. Would it be normal for a person to pip it, and have the chick not make any sound or movements?
  6. CluckyCluck

    How do I know if the chick died

    The egg was not viable unfortunately. I did find the post on the water test and did it. Today my daughter took the egg to the woods and opened it. Fully developed chick, just didn't work out. Now I have one who internally pipped last night, but I have heard NADA all day today. I tried to...
  7. CluckyCluck

    How do I know if the chick died

    So far I've hatched out 7 chicks. There is one egg, that is a bantam egg, the others that were the same size hatched 4-5 days ago. I don't see any movement - but I dont know? It could have been layed later than the other eggs - I took these out from my broody hen after a chick hatched and it...
  8. CluckyCluck

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    Here are all the babies I hatched out myself!!!!
  9. CluckyCluck

    Over whelmed

    I love love loveddddd your blog.
  10. CluckyCluck

    What Does Everyone Do With Their Extra Incubated and Hatched Chicks?

    Do you ever have an issue selling them off?
  11. CluckyCluck

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    So many cute babies. I have so far successfully hatched these babies. They are 1 and 2 days old here. These two are like look a lil different. Isn't that interesting. I'm not fat, just fluffy.
  12. CluckyCluck

    My New Chicks!!

    I love your enthusiasm! There is nothing I don't love about my chickens. You will enjoy them immensely.
  13. CluckyCluck

    Chicks for the first Time

    I know exactly what you mean in regard to the husband raining on your parade! Men. Sheesh. Your babies are beautiful Jeanna! My buff is my most favoritest chicken ever. She got attacked by a hawk in february - VERY bad - I nursed her and she knows it. She is the most appreciative chicken I...
  14. CluckyCluck

    Thought it was a beautiful day until.....

    You know what - we all make mistakes. I'm sure you completely trusted your border collie, and probably 99% of the time can! It's just something that happened. Don't be embarrassed. You made an honest mistake - a quick run into the house can turn into anything. I ran in to warm up my tea the...
  15. CluckyCluck

    New baby is here and more are coming!!!!

    Oh. My. God. Hatching chicks is sooo amazing. I have some eggs of mass confusion in the incubator(s) no idea when anything is supposed to hatch as I pulled most out of the nests after one baby died that hatched outside. So, I've been waiting, patiently. Candling, watching video after video...
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