Recent content by cubakid

  1. cubakid

    Are my Blue Red Cubalayas Pullets or cockerels?

    As was mentioned, 1 & 2 are pullets , 3 is a cockerel. With Cubalayas, the color is called BBRed or Blue Red, and not wheaten (despite resembling wheaten). 1 & 3 are Blue Red, 2 is BBRed (and has what we call smut - excessive black pigment on a female). Hope that helps!
  2. cubakid

    Cubalaya Thread For Sharing Pics and Discussing Our Birds

    The University of Arkansas has 10 Cubalaya chicks on the ground. This will be the start of a new line off of my own. I still have all of my birds at home, but only get to see them twice per year. Now I will be able to breed year round with no costs. Hatch hundreds and cull very hard. I see lots...
  3. cubakid

    Cubalaya Thread For Sharing Pics and Discussing Our Birds

    I will have a cock at modesto for you if you would like one.
  4. cubakid

    Australorps Breeding for SOP and Exhibition Thread

    I have pictures of some of our Australorps posted on our Facebook page, Rose's Poultry if anyone wants to take a look. It is a new page, so not a lot there yet, but I am working on more stuff.
  5. cubakid

    Heritage RIR vs production RIR

    Heritage birds of any breed, should match up to the Standard pretty well, while having their purpose intact. Production birds are that, a production bird. They may have a slight similarity, but are generally crosses that are dual purpose birds.
  6. cubakid

    Cubalaya Thread For Sharing Pics and Discussing Our Birds

    Thanks Jimmy. Dana. My birds are already on their way to Hollister, but I do have Cock birds available. I have four or five, and I can have one brought to Modesto if you are interested. Zach
  7. cubakid

    Cubalaya Thread For Sharing Pics and Discussing Our Birds

    If y'all haven't already checked us out on Facebook, look up our page Rose's Poultry. I'm just getting it started, so there will be more pictures in the future. Zach
  8. cubakid

    Australorps breed Thread

    If any of y'all are on Facebook, check out our Australorps on our page, Rose's Poultry!
  9. cubakid

    WINNER ANNOUNCED Comb Contest 2014 - Pea

    She's mad because she cant see her forehead... Bantam Light Brahma 10 Months Old Pullet
  10. cubakid

    Carnation Combed Rosecombs?

    Never heard of a carnation comb. Rosecombs can only have a rose comb.
  11. cubakid

    Australorps Breeding for SOP and Exhibition Thread

    They even admit they cant tell the difference between the Australorps and Black Orpingtons, which tells you they are a hatchery.
  12. cubakid

    Lemon Blue Sumatra?

    Something is going on in the breeding pen. The color coming through shouldnt have come out of any blue black or splash breeding in that amount. Also his comb looks like a cross between single and pea. also the face is far too red, eyes too light in color... i dont think its pure sumatra to be...
  13. cubakid

    Advise.. Mottled Japanese Bantom.

    Breeding your mottled with blacks will give chicks that carry mottling... breed them to the mottled father and you will get mottleds. The other colors are a whole different pattern, where black and mottled are both black with the exception of the mottling gene(which is recessive).
  14. cubakid

    Show Quality?

    The bird pictured would be... It has in incomplete beard. Silkies are showable as non bearded but they must be bred and entered as such.
  15. cubakid

    Cubalaya Thread For Sharing Pics and Discussing Our Birds

    Slate legs carry the dermal inhibitor gene that makes one layer black(inside) and the outside white, giving the slate appearance. Slate and blue legs are the same, my birds have black legs, with white pads, although most the males are almost white legged with some black mixed into it. You have...
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