Recent content by elbertchick

  1. elbertchick

    Cream Legbar from GFF,

    I have purchased a couple of female Cream Legbars my question is, they are 7 weeks old but the don't have a crest. Do they get those later? I'm new to this breed.
  2. elbertchick


    I work at BigR Elizabeth store, the chicks you thought were meatys are most likely white leghorns, we have never had meatys at the Elizabeth store and I have been there since day one, 10 years ago.. So I would know.The chicks were seperated from the others for aggressive behavior, severely...
  3. elbertchick


    Beware wind is insane, flipped my outdoor coop we use for shade, thankfully the girls were in the big coop.part of the roof flew off on large coop, but plywood still intact. Crazy I'm a native of Colorado and have never witnessed the wind this bad in our area. Stay safe .
  4. elbertchick


    Big R in Elizabeth will be getting more Geese shortly. They will be Chinese. They are part of a special order and not all are spoken for. I think it was samr that was looking? Thought I would post to let you know.
  5. elbertchick

    how do i break my dog of killing my chickens?

    Once a dog has tasted blood they say that's it. So my advice is keep them apart. Our goose was attacked my a neighbors dog. The local vet said to tighten my security because he could easily come back. Wish I had better news but you'll create a neurotic dog or dead chickens. You want them both to...
  6. elbertchick


    Wsmith, I am glad the MRI showed no brain tumors, you, Beth and your family will remain in my thoughts and prayers. I feel though I know your family, even though I do not post frequently. God Bless
  7. elbertchick

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Can ACV with mother turn bad? I have lost a couple chicks who appeared healthy, die recently like 10 out of 25. I have never lost that many. They did arrive during our rains but just had another go today. I had moved her out of the group, given her fresh water with ACV in it , fresh crumbles...
  8. elbertchick


    Does anyone feed their chickens snake gourds or cook them? My grandson planted some and I now have quite a few and not sure what I want to do with them.
  9. elbertchick

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    It's not completely fermented yet, I had just decided the day before I got them, so I would say its more like wet mash with ACV for now., so I should wait till it has fully fermented and just feed crumbles? Thanks for the help I am FF challenged:)
  10. elbertchick

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    The flies are in their feed tray, glad to hear they won't harm the chicks, I thought I was in a Hitchcock film.
  11. elbertchick

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Question, I received my meatys CX yesterday, and started them on FF, the problem is this time I thought I would set up a brooder pen in the coop. The flies are crazy for the FF. I have never had that problem with reg. feed( pellets or crumbles) some of the little chicks are snatching the flies...
  12. elbertchick


    Thank you Ashdoes! i will pick some up tomorrow after I get them settled.
  13. elbertchick


    Mtn Margie stay safe. This rain was needed but not the floods. My heart goes out to you who are worried, praying all will be well. I have chicks coming in tomorrow , and am worried about their trip. Hope they will be healthy with this weather. Everything was set up in the big coop now I worry it...
  14. elbertchick

    Adroid vs Apple

  15. elbertchick


    I'm sorry..... This is so sad...
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