Recent content by Flossiefoofoo

  1. F

    10 month old hen cannot hold herself up to walk all of a sudden.

    Thanks so much! We had a long day in the yard again. She attempted walking several times and had gotten somewhat better at it by the time I put her away to rest. She ate more mush and cabbage and sort of ranged with the other hens for a while, with a little help from us all. The chicks in the...
  2. F

    10 month old hen cannot hold herself up to walk all of a sudden.

    As the title says, I have an otherwise healthy 10 month old hen who cannot hold herself up. Background: Pearl is a barred Plymouth Rock hen, well fed and cared for and always in the company of her coop mates, a Dominique, 2 Easter Eggers and one very loud RIR. She lays everyday, even now that...
  3. F

    Temporary mini-tractor/play-pen

    Thanks! It's not much but they do so love to be out in it. They've even gotten better about me picking them up out of the brooder as I think they know they're going out to play. It's been rather cool and windy today so I kept them inside and, from all the racket they've been making, I'm pretty...
  4. F

    Temporary mini-tractor/play-pen

    I have six 17 day old chicks who live in a brooder full time but we live in Central Texas and it's already nice and hot outside so...I decided to build a playpen out of some old wood framed window screens, a bit of hardware cloth and some deck screws. I'm having a coop built but its kind of a...
  5. F

    Howdy from Austin Tx...

    Thank you! The little darlings are doing well. I put a small rectangle of cardboard in the brooder and threw some starter on it; they happily peck and scratch at that cardboard for hours and it is so gratifying to hear their happy little chirps.
  6. F

    5 day old Easter Egger acting strange

    Well said. As I was saying to CrawfamChicks, I'm afraid I may be too soft to be a chicken wrangler. It's worth the risk in finding out, they're such darling characters!
  7. F

    5 day old Easter Egger acting strange

    Thank you so much. I went to pick up her replacement today and I bought a second one so the first wouldn't be alone on the car ride home. I fear I may be too soft to be a chicken owner...
  8. F

    Howdy from Austin Tx...

    Thanks, Kiki! And thanks again for your help last night, I appreciate you trying.
  9. F

    Howdy from Austin Tx...

    Then we're in the right place, it seems! Glad to meet you. 🤗
  10. F

    Howdy from Austin Tx...

    Good morning, all. It was a rough night/morning and I'm still hurting but waking up to your welcomes and sympathies has been a good way to start the day. The rest of my baby birbs are up amd at em and ready to have their paper towels changed! Miss Garnet, the RIR on the left is getting quite...
  11. F

    Howdy from Austin Tx...

    Thank you, DobieLover
  12. F

    Howdy from Austin Tx...

    Thanks! Not gonna lie, its definitely helping with my feelings after the night we've had.
  13. F

    Howdy from Austin Tx...

    Thanks a bunch, it's good to be here!
  14. F

    Howdy from Austin Tx...

    I joined in a flurry of questions last night because I had a chick who was not doing well so I hadn't had a chance to introduce myself. Here goes... 1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? • I am indeed new to chickens, though I have been thinking of getting them for...
  15. F

    5 day old Easter Egger acting strange

    My poor baby never did recover. She just passed away. She'd moved over to where the other chicks were and actually laid down with them but not too long after that I looked in the brooder for the thousandth time and she'd moved off on her own again, only now she was laying on her side and sort...
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