Recent content by frannyglass

  1. frannyglass

    15 new "ornamental layers"... what are they?

    Chick colors can vary a bit? Try googling "partridge cochin chick" and see if you can see some photos that are close. I would guess that it's some sort of cochin or brahma, but I'm not sure if brahmas have quite as much feathering on their legs, I have never had any brahmas.
  2. frannyglass

    15 new "ornamental layers"... what are they?

    The feather legged brown ones could be partridge Cochins?
  3. frannyglass

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Thanks for the answer! I should have been more specific, I'm looking for chicks. d'Uccle roosters are too cute though, aren't they? :)
  4. frannyglass

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Hello! I just found this thread. I'm wondering if anyone here knows of any breeders around Lancaster/Dauphin counties (or within reasonable driving distance of them) that have d'Uccles (I'd love porcelain but I'd be happy to find mille fleur at this point) or partridge silkies? They will be...
  5. frannyglass

    Silkie thread!

    My youngest babies of the year are 3 13 week old white silkies. Until this week I thought there was a decent chance that it was 1 cockerel and 2 pullets, based on the shape of their crests and combs, but suddenly all three have some shiny tail feathers. My two older buffs who I suspect are...
  6. frannyglass

    Silkie thread!

    Hello again, I haven't posted in awhile, so sorry if I am speaking about things no one remembers. I just wanted to thank you guys again for being so helpful when my silkies were dealing with cocci/wry neck. My vet is neither a poultry nor avian specialist and sometimes knows less than I do about...
  7. frannyglass

    Silkie thread!

    Wow, when I researched the Amprolium dosages I always read (using 9.6% liquid) to use 9.5 CCs per gallon for 5-7 days, with only some people recommending following it up for another three days two weeks later. I hadn't read about the 3 week treatment. If that is how it's meant to be done I...
  8. frannyglass

    Silkie thread!

    Sorry, my internet has been down a lot today. They're doing alright so far. They'd been on Corid a few days before I posted here and that seems to have calmed the cocci (the bloody droppings have stopped, although at this point I don't believe the cocci is taken care of.) My wee buff who is the...
  9. frannyglass

    Silkie thread!

    Thank you so much!
  10. frannyglass

    Silkie thread!

    I've been calling everywhere trying to find it. No one has it anymore, and everyone says they've had it on back order for ages. I found a post online that suggests that it is being restricted. Most online sources say backordered, out of stock, or only available from a vet. My vet isn't in until...
  11. frannyglass

    Silkie thread!

    Is that a different name for Sulmet? Sulmet is Sulfamethazine. I know they have Sulmet but I will see if my feedstore in town has the di-methox. If not I will try Tractor Supply but I only see the Sulfamethazine on their website and the employees at mine are not very helpful. I have vitamin E...
  12. frannyglass

    Silkie thread!

    I need some advice pertaining to silkies in particular. I have a brooder with six chicks, four of which are silkies. A little over two weeks ago there were suddenly bloody droppings in the coop. I put the chicks on Corid (amprolium) as soon as I saw them, and within two days the bloody...
  13. frannyglass

    Silkie thread!

    Oh wow, thanks! You've made my life a lot easier!
  14. frannyglass

    Silkie thread!

    What lab do you use? Everywhere I can find online charges about double that...
  15. frannyglass

    Silkie thread!

    That's really good to know. I've actually considering DNA testing for Beatrix at the least, to just get it over with. It's just so expensive.
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