Recent content by Kschwartz

  1. Kschwartz

    What's your silliest duck story?!

    One of my ducks was a pretty reputable "escape artist", if you will, and somehow always managed to escape the pen (We eventually fixed this problem haha). Usually when she did this, she would stay near the pen and look for goodies in the yard surrounding it. However one time last winter she...
  2. Kschwartz

    Duckling Leg injury

    Rinse it out with some Hydrogen peroxide a few times a day and apply a little bit of neosporin on the wound a few times a day as well. If you can keep it covered with a bandage, that would aid in the healing process as well. Just keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't get any worse.
  3. Kschwartz

    Update Post 12 w/ pics! Dog attack, left with 1 lonely duck.

    Things are going great! I've been letting Moe play outside around Jack, but separated by some screen and today I took away the screen and they were best buds! Moe is actually a little mean to Jack (well probably more curious/playful) but I totally would have thought that Jack would be mean to...
  4. Kschwartz

    Update Post 12 w/ pics! Dog attack, left with 1 lonely duck.

    Well it has been a long few months since this incident happened and I feel TERRIBLE that it has taken so long. I was checking craigslist every week waiting for something to come along but nothing but a drake or two every once in a while. So I've been spending a lot of time with Jack and she...
  5. Kschwartz

    My first duck egg ever!!

    Thank you so much!! and we are currently working on finding a friend for her, hopefully we'll having one in the next month. :)
  6. Kschwartz

    My first duck egg ever!!

    My duck Jack laid her first egg yesterday! I found it last night when I went to put her away for the night. She's a Rouen and about 8.5 months old. The eggs I know are obviously not fertilized because I have no drakes, so no worrying about ducklings. I've never had chickens or ducks or...
  7. Kschwartz

    Medicated chick feed for new ducklings??

    I agree completely. I raised my 2 ducklings on medicated feed until the bad ran out, which was about 3 - 3 1/2 months! They are fine! If it is all you have, don't go out and buy a new bag because what you have is fine as long as it is medicated with Amprolium.
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  9. Kschwartz

    I woulda sworn I live in FL

    Sounds like some of you haven't experienced a Minnesota winter! I would LOVE to have that kind of weather now!! Even though week has been very warm for January (41 degrees!!!! ) My duck has been handling the cold fine, and has even experience single digit temps. already. Her house is...
  10. Kschwartz

    Unexpectedly own a DUCK (Khaki Campbell)....advice on ducks?

    Honestly, I wouldn't even worry about getting non-medicated chicken feed if you already use medicated, as long as the medication in the food is AMPROLIUM. Before they started using amprolium in medicated chicken feed is when it was toxic to ducks if they ate too much. I raised my 2 ducklings on...
  11. Kschwartz

    BB guns for kids

    I never had a BB gun.. I remember just jumping right to a .22 .. Shortly following with a .410, .243, and now a .30-30 and 20 GA. My family is pretty big into hunting, and we have a lot of fun with it! Gotta love the 2nd amendment!
  12. Kschwartz

    What Is The Meaning Of Life??....

    Quote: I agree.. You make it how you think it should be! And it is very precious, yet some people don't realize it. I lost 2 very important people in my life over these last couple of months.. And today a girl in my town and my age committed suicide. I didn't know her personally, but a lot of...
  13. Kschwartz

    What am I ?

    white maybe? it looks yellow in the first picture but i dont really know.. pekin ducklings are yellow so i assume its the same for calls & other breeds. The head is a little darker though so maybe white body with a little darker head? just a guess..
  14. Kschwartz

    Really FAT ducks!!!

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