Recent content by LesGus5

  1. LesGus5

    Need some advice on Free ranging my chickens and preditors

    My 10 gals have been free-ranging all day for about a year and a half. They all put themselves to bed at night, no problem. They also all know their names and will come back from quite a distance if I call them. I also started with a covered dog kennel/playpen and brought them out in the...
  2. LesGus5

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    Very cute! Though I believe you mixed up the barred rock and the Australorp! Have fun with them!
  3. LesGus5

    Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

    There is no question anymore around here "Ana" is officially "Hans"..... As if the red comb, white wing patches, and black and white coloring weren't enough, Below is a pic from a video I took of him On Jan 27, taking on our top Cochin hen (yes, our top hen is a cochin...even above our 2 RIRs)...
  4. LesGus5


    I just had to share the egg my mottled houdan, Leah laid today. She is quite small, but lays a mighty egg! An RIR egg, a store-bought egg, Leah's white egg!!!! Youch! Resting in the grass post-egg Thanks for looking. I just like to share with people who understand loving chickens.... the...
  5. LesGus5

    Nine-Month-Old Pullets Still Not Laying

    I am so very glad that I am not alone with my 4, non-laying 9 month old gals that I bought at TSC last April. I was especially shocked that the 2 RIRs were not laying. The other 2 are Cochins. Today Blondie the RIR laid her first egg!!!. The chicks I bought at a diffent feed store last may...
  6. LesGus5

    mites, mites, mites

    Did you use the dog or cat version of frontline?
  7. LesGus5

    Spotted owl or Barred owl?

    That is a barred owl. They compete for space with Great horned owls and usually share territory with Red Shouldered Hawks (where Great horned owls tend to share territory with Red Tailed hawks). Yes. They can surely kill your chickens if you leave them out at night. Not as ruthless as a Great...
  8. LesGus5

    Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

    There is hope for Ana yet. I think she looked pretty much identical to Tyrion(though maybe with a darker back.... not that it means much) at a few days old... so far no solid black on her/him.I knew at least one of them woul make me wonder Roo. I guess that's all part of the fun!
  9. LesGus5

    Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

    Thank you for all of the info. He/she isn't going anywhere. If Ana is a boy, he can stay as long as he behaves himself around my kids. It just figures that He/she is a favorite and my daughter named one of the other girls Kristoff.... after the movie Frozen, of course. At least Elsa seems to...
  10. LesGus5

    Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

    I posted this on the EE club thread as well, so sorry to anyone who sees this twice Has anyone seen a salt and pepper EE pullet with a long straight tail at about 4 weeks or so? "Ana" is different than my other two who are looking very female with the fat stumpy sort of tails. She is also...
  11. LesGus5

    Easter Egger club!

    Has anyone seen a salt and pepper EE pullet with a long straight tail at about 4 weeks or so? "Ana" is different than my other two who are looking very female with the fat stumpy sort of tails. She is also quite bossy. Hopefully these pics are clear enough so you all can see what I mean...
  12. LesGus5

    Sexing Barred Rock Chicks

    Here "she" is at about a month. Really messy barring and still very dark, so I'm still thinking pullet for Kristoff
  13. LesGus5

    The Sussex thread!

    That is why I love this site!!! No one in my regular life understands how wonderful these chickens are...except for my daughter I suppose!
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