Recent content by letsgobucks!

  1. letsgobucks!

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    6 out 6 chickens for an Unprecedented third day in a row.
  2. letsgobucks!

    Chicken's pecking other chickens feathers

    Our silver laced wyandotte is getting her upper chest/lower neck feathers pecked by our Buff Orpington. The Buff was really sweet as a chick but now is a bit of a loud mouth and a bully. We have an Americauna who looks interested in modeling the behavior of the Buff too. We only have 3 chicks...
  3. letsgobucks!

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    FIRST EGG EVER!!!! (cue the music!) one out of 3... ...they are 22 weeks old.
  4. letsgobucks!

    Food Grade DE???

    I was under the impression that any DE that comes from Perma Guard is food grade and fit for even human consumption.
  5. letsgobucks!

    Red Lake Earth helps to get thicker shells!

    FYI...might want to read this thread...especially around posts 20-22.
  6. letsgobucks!

    Playhouse at Walmart...possible convert?

    That would make a great coop for a few chicks. We're in the city and I build a coop disguised as a playhouse/coop. Wish I would've seen that. Probably would've converted it into the coop. Easier and cheaper.
  7. letsgobucks!

    How long can chickens stay on start/grow feed?

    Now THAT sounds easy and simple. I was under the impression that such high protein wouldn't be optimal for the full grown chickens but it if it works without problem, sounds GREAT! Quote:
  8. letsgobucks!

    OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

    Westerville, Ohio (Central Ohio) 1st time chick owner...just got Americuauna, Silver Laced Wyandotte, and Buff Orpington. Go Bucks! If there's anyone else in central Ohio who knows of a place to get Diatomaceous Earth...lemme know!
  9. letsgobucks!

    have a floor idea

    I love the sound of that. Very efficient. Show some pics if/when it comes to fruition.
  10. letsgobucks!

    Does white DE mean food grade?

    I saw some at a feed store the other day that said "Diatomaceous Earth" but also said "Red Lake Earth" on it. It was also gray. I didn't trust it and based on some speculation on some research/Googling I did I stayed away from it. Going to bite the bullet and order the Perma Guard food grade DE...
  11. letsgobucks!

    Another Way to Water Chickens

    I have tried the rabbit cage waterers without much success. They drank it but not as much as they would had I let them use our regular waterer (typical mason jar style). I have tried a 3 inch PVC pipe waterer today. It's about 24 inches long, capped on both ends, and has 2 big holes in it...
  12. letsgobucks!

    homemade feeders by RendonRoo

    Probably a silly question but do they ever try to roost or get up on this feeder or is it too close to the corner? Quote:
  13. letsgobucks!

    Multi Level coops??? - PLEASE HELP!!!

    Here's my "stealth" chicken coop in our shed....Haven't put in the nesting box or the ramp to the outdoor run but here's a mulit-level SMALL coop. Our 3 hens are loving it and yes, they go up and down the ramp. This is the first pic I've posted so here goes...Oh yeah, I have enlarged the...
  14. letsgobucks!

    Does anyone use the nipple water drinkers?

    OK...looking at the Farmtek website I see 2 different types. Can anyone advise or provide insight giving a recommendation of one style over another? If I'm not mistaken, one of them has a grommet, and they do sell replacements for it. The other model, I assume I wouldn't need any replacement...
  15. letsgobucks!

    Our finished coop

    Got any pics of the inside?
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