Recent content by mnmfarris

  1. mnmfarris

    Suggestion for New Rooster?

    BACKGROUND: We currently have 50 Hens and 2 Roos. "Olaf" is a Blue Cochin/ RIR Roo we hatched and is the Coop Boss (and huge). "Willie" is a sweet (and badly bullied) Favorelle Roo that hides all the time from Olaf (and is missing his tail feathers because of that bullying from Olaf). Olaf is...
  2. mnmfarris

    What was your free mystery chick from Murray Mcmurray hatchery??

    Good morning from the High Sierras in Nevada. We received a "mystery chick" from McMurray that we assumed would end up being a Roo. Surprise! We received a Silver Laced Polish Hen whom we call "Topper". She is now the #1 Fav in our flock - and an ambassador in our area, helping to grow the...
  3. mnmfarris

    Comment by 'mnmfarris' in article 'Breeder Page'

    I can not find any straight forward info. on the internet that guides me to know what we need to do to be licensed / permitted, etc. to sell our chicks and hatching eggs in Nye County, NV. Can you help with any links or from your experience? Thank you - Mary
  4. mnmfarris


    Hello everyone. I have a question. How do I get started selling our chicks and/or hatching eggs in Nevada? Do any of you have any links that would help us find out about licensing, procedures, etc? We live in Nye Country, FYI. We are breeding French Black Copper Marans and Olive Eggers for...
  5. mnmfarris

    What is this spiral on my chicken?

    Thank you everyone. I'll get on it TODAY!
  6. mnmfarris

    What is this spiral on my chicken?

    Can anyone help me? My chicken is listless, has loose, green stool and now I just found this spiral pattern on her skin. Any ideas what this spiral thing is - and/or what mght be wrong with my hen? Thank you.
  7. mnmfarris

    HELP! Bloocdy eye discharge and other things. Please help with info if you can

    I forgot to say - Sheila is 11 months old and isn't eating or drinking. None of the other 35 chickens in our flock have any of these symptoms. - Mary
  8. mnmfarris

    HELP! Bloocdy eye discharge and other things. Please help with info if you can

    HELP!!!!! My heart hurts tonight. We have a sick fluffy butt. Sheila, one of our Andalusians has poofy eyelids, bloodshot eyes, and when dabbed, bloody discharge coming from her eyes, droopy comb, runny stool. She's not eating or drinking either. Her breathing/respirations are fine. She's in the...
  9. mnmfarris

    Ended Official BYC Contest: Worst Chicken Molt Pictures, Fall-Winter 2013

    "All Other Breeds" - This is (nekkid) Nellie, one of our Easter Eggers going through her first moult., Taken 8/23/13.
  10. mnmfarris

    2014 BYC Calendar - Your Pictures Needed!

    I teach Preschool (3 & 4 yr olds). Here are 3 chicks we hatched in class this year: (L to R): Olive Egger; Lavender Orpington; Black Laced Red Wyandotte Here's our little Snow White, White Orpington
  11. mnmfarris

    Official BYC Poll: How Many Chickens Do You Have + How Many Chickens On BYC?

    1 have: 2 Australorps, 3 Plymouth Barred Rocks, 3 Partridge Rocks, 2 White Orpingtons, 1 Black Red Laced Wyandotte, 3 Columbian Wyandotte, 2 Dominiques, 1 silver laced polish, 3 Rhode Island Reds, 2 Blue Andalusians, 1 Black Cochin, 1 Partridge Cochin, 2 Light Brahmas, 5 Easter Eggers, 1 Red...
  12. mnmfarris


    Haven't heard of this show. Do you have info. or can you point me to a website that might have info.? Thanks! P.S. Never mind- Just scrolled up and saw a link campinechickens posted. (can't figure out how to delete this post - hence the "p.s.") Sorry for the confusion.
  13. mnmfarris


    I just sent you a couple pics via pm. Let me know if you need any other info. Thanks!
  14. mnmfarris


    I don't know anything about the show in Oct. you mentioned. Is there a website for information?
  15. mnmfarris

    ~~ Lavender Orpington Chicks ~~ Will SHIP!

    Are you offering just straight run?
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