
Thanks Seth and Lacy! One thing I like about this show is that the dates are better than they usually are. The last few shows have been late fall/early winter and I have been kept away by weather. I don't really like driving through Washoe Valley or over Geiger Grade in snowstorms!
Hello fellow Northern Nevadans! It's my first time posting on the Nevada thread. I have posted on the New Member Introduction page if anyone wants any info on me. Well my little flock is doing OK. I did loose one Buff O. at about 5 weeks old, but that was to be expected. Now is the time that the roo's are showing themselves. Both EE's, one Ameraucauna (at least that is what I was told they were), and one Frizzle Banty ended up being roo's. Since I live in the suburbs I can't have loud roosters. I am looking to rehome some. If anyone is interested, I am looking to trade for a 6-8 week old pullet EE, or maybe a silkie pullet . I have 2 sets I would like to rehome or trade. The first combo is an EE roo (grey and black) + a Amer. hen (red/brown). The second is a roo/hen set of Amer's (both red/brown). If anyone is interested, please PM me. Would like to try the board before I try Craigslist. I also am considering taking them to the NNPFA swap that is this weekend. If anyone is interested, let me know.


Today I finally sold my australorp hen who started crowing a few months ago. She'll be in a flock with a rooster now so that'll be good. I am relieved to have that resolved. Shouldn't have problems with my neighbor now, knock on wood. So now I am down to 10 and that is a good number.
I figured out why my girls weren't all laying. :(

We have MITES!!! And not a small amount of mites, enough that one of my younger hens got anemia and had to be nursed back to standing. She was too anemic to even open her eyes.

I'm not asking for mite-treatment (we have already gone with permethrin on the worst mite carriers, cleaned and sprayed the coop) and I'm going to put wood-ash in for long-term prevention.

But WHAT is the best source of iron for chickens? Mine free range half the day on our dusty weedy property, as well as eat layer crumbles.

I am, however, going to throw out there that if your hens aren't laying, and are molting at innappropriate times, check ALL of their vents for mites!

Fingers crossed that the problem is treated and they all get back to healthy. I was getting very worried about the bald throats and the lack of eggs.
Hope you have gotten all those mites taken care of.
So I'm up and writing for "The Magazine," though my first blog post is awaiting editorial approval. I'm working on some more for the database, for future publication. To those of you who have expressed interest in writing for me, please feel free to submit your articles to me at any time. I signed a contract promising that all photos are original or used with permission, so please be sure any photos you send me are taken by you, of your chickens.

(To those of you new to this, "The Magazine" is a national poultry magazine with a new online blog feature. Due to BYC's rules, I can't mention the name of the magazine or of my own personal blog on this thread. You can always PM me for that info, though.)

I am working on a post about molting, and I would love to feature pictures of your craziest molts. What I need from you is 1) a picture that is taken by you, of your own flock 2) permission for me to use the picture on my blog, and potentially on "The Magazine's" blog, with possible sharing of either blog by other people on the internet, 3) what name, fictional or not, you want attributed to the pictures. For instance, you can send me a picture of your frizzled cochin, and I could add the caption, "Sally's cochin," or "from Backwater Farms," even if your name is Theodore.

Just let me know! As I've said before, this blog is not for money (even for me.) It's just about being featured on the blog. Thanks!
I remember now seeing your FB post about the molt pictures. I had a funny looking australorp last fall so I looked for photos. When I finally took photos she wasn't looking as weird. I will send them to you and you can use if needed.
How many of you ladies (and gentlemen) are planning on coming to the Northern Nevada show in Oct? Its been moved to Fallon so maybe some of you won't be able to come?
Hmmm. Maybe... I don't show chickens but we might head over if there's a little get together.
Hello fellow Northern Nevadans! It's my first time posting on the Nevada thread. I have posted on the New Member Introduction page if anyone wants any info on me. Well my little flock is doing OK. I did loose one Buff O. at about 5 weeks old, but that was to be expected. Now is the time that the roo's are showing themselves. Both EE's, one Ameraucauna (at least that is what I was told they were), and one Frizzle Banty ended up being roo's. Since I live in the suburbs I can't have loud roosters. I am looking to rehome some. If anyone is interested, I am looking to trade for a 6-8 week old pullet EE, or maybe a silkie pullet . I have 2 sets I would like to rehome or trade. The first combo is an EE roo (grey and black) + a Amer. hen (red/brown). The second is a roo/hen set of Amer's (both red/brown). If anyone is interested, please PM me. Would like to try the board before I try Craigslist. I also am considering taking them to the NNPFA swap that is this weekend. If anyone is interested, let me know.


welcome to the Nevada thread!
So I'm up and writing for "The Magazine," though my first blog post is awaiting editorial approval. I'm working on some more for the database, for future publication. To those of you who have expressed interest in writing for me, please feel free to submit your articles to me at any time. I signed a contract promising that all photos are original or used with permission, so please be sure any photos you send me are taken by you, of your chickens.

(To those of you new to this, "The Magazine" is a national poultry magazine with a new online blog feature. Due to BYC's rules, I can't mention the name of the magazine or of my own personal blog on this thread. You can always PM me for that info, though.)

I am working on a post about molting, and I would love to feature pictures of your craziest molts. What I need from you is 1) a picture that is taken by you, of your own flock 2) permission for me to use the picture on my blog, and potentially on "The Magazine's" blog, with possible sharing of either blog by other people on the internet, 3) what name, fictional or not, you want attributed to the pictures. For instance, you can send me a picture of your frizzled cochin, and I could add the caption, "Sally's cochin," or "from Backwater Farms," even if your name is Theodore.

Just let me know! As I've said before, this blog is not for money (even for me.) It's just about being featured on the blog. Thanks!

I just sent you a couple pics via pm. Let me know if you need any other info. Thanks!
How many of you ladies (and gentlemen) are planning on coming to the Northern Nevada show in Oct? Its been moved to Fallon so maybe some of you won't be able to come?

Haven't heard of this show. Do you have info. or can you point me to a website that might have info.? Thanks!

P.S. Never mind- Just scrolled up and saw a link campinechickens posted. (can't figure out how to delete this post - hence the "p.s.") Sorry for the confusion.
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