
Fancylad I'm in south Las Vegas and just ordered some chicks, so if you want chicks drop me a note and I can tell you what I ordered. I ordered more than I need, but I wasn't sure if you wanted little baby chicks, or full grown hens?
I'm just curious... Does anyone on here have any chickens that are COMPLETELY FREAKED OUT about laying eggs??

Of my 3 Leghorns, 2 of them are laying, and have been since the end July. One of them, Lucy, would make a good mom. She's the last to lay, so she'll carefully take all 5 eggs under her chest and then sit there for an hour or so bunching all of the bedding around her and the exposed parts of the eggs, she'll even hiss at the other hens. The other one, Mabel, is completely opposite. She boks the loudest when she's ready to lay and she literally runs around in and out of the coop like something is trying to attack her until the egg is poking out of her. Sometimes, she won't make it the nesting box. When it's time for the egg to come out, she's barely in the box (or squatting somewhere else) for a split second, lays the egg and runs away from it. Then after a minute or two, she's completely fine, like she never even laid an egg.
I just find this odd, but since I'm still a "newbie", I don't know if maybe this is more common than I think, LOL.
That is normal chicken behavior. I had a chicken sorta like that too, she would go in and out of the coop until the egg almost came out of her but she always ended up in the nest box to lay the egg.
Well, I'm glad it's normal, LOL. Since everybody else lays eggs so nicely, I was watching her thinking "what the heck?!" Well, I hope she calms down as she gets older, if not, it's kind of funny (I know, I'm bad) watching her run around. Sort of reminds me of some my friends when they were pregnant, LOL!!
I dug up the garden today because we are suppose to get snow at my house tonight. It's just a crazy year I tell ya. Lacey is doing great with her 4 babies but she doesn't have them in the coop yet. She is still in the dog crate. I see her each night showing the chicks how to get into the coop but they haven't followed her in there so she just comes back down and ends up in the crate. I've put a blanket on top of the crate last night preparing for the snow tonight. There isn't any draft and I left the sides open for ventilation. The chicks were a bit noisier tonight than usual but they settled in pretty well. I'm so glad they all feathered in before this storm hit.

How is everyone else doing? It's way too quiet here lately.
I'm glad the babies are ok! I didn't like reading about that cat sitting and watching them. I'm currently extending the size of my run. I know it's too small but I finally have the materials to make it bigger now. I'm worried about winter approaching and how to keep some of the girls' combs from getting frostbite. My sister is going to bring home some huge, thick plastic bags that they use at her work to cover up the big shipping crates, so that I can start covering some of the run to block the wind. That wind was brutal today! I sure hope it doesn't snow yet, I'm SOOO not ready. I don't think Sun Valley is high enough elevation for snow tonight, but I'll be keeping my fingers crossed just in case!!
I tried to respond to a Craigslist ad today about a couple of free chickens, but they didn't answer and never returned my call. I figure they found a home, hope it's a good home!
Well we hit below freezing last night and its been snowing . Thankfully nothing is sticking! I will have to water today since we put in a few new trees but its hard to get myself out there in these temps even though I know I have to finish some projects for winter .Since we just bought this place in april it feels like we're killing ourselves getting set up before we're buried in snow.

I have some extra hatchery layers. They are at point of lay . I bought too many expecting more loses... Pm me if interested in purchase or swap.

Good luck on winterizing:)

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