
Good Morning everyone! I woke up this morning feeling great and seeing balloons around. What a great day I'm having.

This week is a hard one. I'm having issues with a juvenile hawk watching the baby chicks I have from Sunny. It's not nice seeing this hawk all over the yard in different places. Momma Lacey is doing a great job protecting her babies. I also have a cat jumping over the wire and coming in trying to get those babies too. I went to lock them up and it was just 3 feet from their crate and Momma Lacey was sitting in the crate hiding those babies from it and making her get out of here noises at it. It will sit there all night watching them, just waiting for one of the chicks to get close enough to the gate so it can grab it. So far babies and Momma stay in the back corner where it can't reach and they don't move.
Good Morning everyone! I woke up this morning feeling great and seeing balloons around. What a great day I'm having.

This week is a hard one. I'm having issues with a juvenile hawk watching the baby chicks I have from Sunny. It's not nice seeing this hawk all over the yard in different places. Momma Lacey is doing a great job protecting her babies. I also have a cat jumping over the wire and coming in trying to get those babies too. I went to lock them up and it was just 3 feet from their crate and Momma Lacey was sitting in the crate hiding those babies from it and making her get out of here noises at it. It will sit there all night watching them, just waiting for one of the chicks to get close enough to the gate so it can grab it. So far babies and Momma stay in the back corner where it can't reach and they don't move.

I hope the babies stay safe! We use the mini-coop for babies, because I don't trust the local predators. Though my husband's dog has been the worst predator of them all! We finally built a fence to protect them, but today my buff orp pullet flew over the fence and got shredded. It was gruesome. We've lost 6 so far to him.
Good Morning everyone! I woke up this morning feeling great and seeing balloons around. What a great day I'm having.

This week is a hard one. I'm having issues with a juvenile hawk watching the baby chicks I have from Sunny. It's not nice seeing this hawk all over the yard in different places. Momma Lacey is doing a great job protecting her babies. I also have a cat jumping over the wire and coming in trying to get those babies too. I went to lock them up and it was just 3 feet from their crate and Momma Lacey was sitting in the crate hiding those babies from it and making her get out of here noises at it. It will sit there all night watching them, just waiting for one of the chicks to get close enough to the gate so it can grab it. So far babies and Momma stay in the back corner where it can't reach and they don't move.

Goodness! You ladies are making me afraid of ever letting my ladies out of their run! I've read on other posts that people have hung up CD's in trees and such to scare away hawks. I guess the reflecting light bothers their eyes. I'm not sure about the cat. I know they sell the "stay away" spray at pet stores, I wonder if it'll work to keep it away from your chicks?
I hope the babies stay safe! We use the mini-coop for babies, because I don't trust the local predators. Though my husband's dog has been the worst predator of them all! We finally built a fence to protect them, but today my buff orp pullet flew over the fence and got shredded. It was gruesome. We've lost 6 so far to him.
Sorry about buff orp :( That's so sad. My sister's dog is always super watchful when I go out to tend to my girls. She sits there and cries or paces the fence when they make any crazy noises. She can't jump the fence, but I'm afraid one of my girls would and they would get the same fate as yours.

So sorry both of you are having issues, hope everything gets better!
Hi! Free black Sizzle roo in Dayton area. Beautiful bird but way too many roosters this year. About 3 1/2-4 months old. Got him from a breeder in California. PM me and I'll send you pics. :)
Hi Everyone

I am trying to help a young BYCer find some D'Uccle chicks in Mille Fleur and or Porcelain or young started birds. She bought eggs but none hatched and she desperately wants some. If anyone has some please let me know.

Hello everybody! I recently redid my backyard landscaping and got a wild hare to get a coop and start chicken-ing. I was eyeing this one , and of course was going to check out my HOA's regulations and get approval from my neighbors, but was wondering if anyone had any starter tips/tricks or a suggestion on where to get a starter pullet or two. My backyard is fenced in with vinyl fencing(5' at the lowest) and about 800 sq feet with a covered patio.
Fancylad and
to BYC and the Nevada thread! It's a nice coop. You do not say where you are from but if you're in Northern Nevada where it gets really cold and freezes then you would need a more weather resistant coop, especially for egg collecting. I see the egg laying portion is a bit exposed and the eggs will freeze and crack in the winter and will get hot fast in the summer so you may need to reconsider your coop or put insulation in the egg laying area. You will also need to be ready to predators since there are multitudes of them around as well, like digging under the coop.

I'm sure we can help you with chickens around here depending where you live. We don't need an address just an area, like, Reno area or something to help us help you.

Candy - I have no clue who would have those type of birds around here. I hope you can help your friend.

I haven't seen the cat for several days now and the hawks are being chased away by the magpies and blue jays. The blue jays just came back this week and I'm very happy to see them around here since they always chase away the hawks and the baby chicks are too big for them now.

I finally started harvesting tomatoes in the last week, boy did it take forever for them to ripen this year. My garden is having such a strange year this season. I've heard we are in for a big cold winter and I've decided I'm not going to use the heat lamp this year.

Hope everyone is doing well.
My HOA has no rules about pets or livestock, and the managers referred me to the Las Vegas Municipal Code, which just says I have to get written permission from neighbors within 350 ft, which I have done. I'm going to order the coop tomorrow, but still need to decide on an avenue of acquiring chickens. I can buy chicks from for a decent price, but would prefer to buy locally if there is anyone in the state or nearby. If anyone is selling chicks/pullets/layers within a couple hours drive time from Las Vegas, please PM me!

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