Recent content by MommyM

  1. MommyM


    Hi everyone! We are trying to come up with an easy design for a coop. I thought, why not take a large dog house, and build a run that would connect to it and make a door somewhere on it? I think that could work, we are looking for a used wood dog house right now. While looking we saw an extra...
  2. MommyM

    how long for pigeon egg?

    Still long should we wait before taking the egg away from them?
  3. MommyM

    got a ship date!

    I got a shipping date for my 6 chicks!! Aug. 25th, it would have been earlier, but we'll be gone for vacation and we didn't want to get chicks before we left. It's very exciting for me, and I wanted to share! I'm planning to get chick supplies in the next week, except the food, I don't want...
  4. MommyM

    Chillin with my peeps...................too.

    They are so pretty!
  5. MommyM

    how long for pigeon egg?

    Ok, thanks for that information! We were getting worried.
  6. MommyM

    how long for pigeon egg?

    On June 3rd our pigeon laid an egg. Two actually, but, one was no good and broke. I read that it's 18 days till they hatch. Today is the 18th day, and nothing has hatched long should we wait?
  7. MommyM

    Is it time to put her to sleep-How??

    You can break its neck if you have to do it. I think it's better than suffocating her. My mom said they would break their necks, and once she saw an injured cat that someone ran half over that was still alive but no way it would make it and she pulled over and broke its neck to put the poor...
  8. MommyM

    What do I do with my roosters? Having trouble trusting people.

    I like the idea of finding the local 4-h club and giving them to them. I wouldn't like the idea of live snake food either. Or, you can wait until they're big enough for yourself to eat if you're not against that.
  9. MommyM

    no eggs for a while..

    Yes, it has heated up since the weekend, it was 108 today! It's 6:30pm and still 100 outside...I remember now reading something about when it's really hot they don't lay much.
  10. MommyM

    no eggs for a while..

    Our chicken hasn't laid any eggs since Friday afternoon. Is it normal to go a while in between eggs? She's a bantam millie fluer d'uccle. Is it just the breed maybe, that's not real big on egg laying?
  11. MommyM

    fertile eggs at the grocery store ?

    Ok, last night I was at Trader Joes and I was getting a carton of eggs. Then I saw some that said "Fertile Eggs" on them. My husband said "Oh, let's get them and hatch them!" But, they're refridgerated, that's not going to work, I said "I think they're for eating..." Do people eat fertilized...
  12. MommyM

    Trying to Convince...

    I have to say that it doesn't matter what your city ordinances say, if your parents say no, it means no. You need to respect her decision about it because she is your mother. She probably doesn't want a rooster, they can be very loud, very early in the morning. Why is it going to be killed? I...
  13. MommyM

    What happened to this chicken???

    Well the guy took it back, we can't keep roosters here, or I would have kept it and tried to tame it. And also because we didn't have a separate housing for it...I felt bad giving it back to him, I'm not sure he's really taking care of the birds he has...
  14. MommyM

    Please help me understand why it's OK for a rooster to crow....

    Quote: Thank you for the suggestions! I have a hen who crows, at 5:50 in the morning....I don't want to bother our neighbors, and I don't want to hear it either, so I think we will get something to black out the coop with at night and remove in the morning after a reasonable time. Cock a...
  15. MommyM

    The early morning wake up call

    That is so cute! Thanks for sharing it with us!!
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