Recent content by OoWeeFNP

  1. OoWeeFNP

    Alpacas and chicken together?

    Hey everyone! I'm planning on adding alpacas becausechicken really are the gateway farm animal. Can they share the same areas? They would have separate living quarters. Anybody have experience with this? Thanks!
  2. OoWeeFNP

    Help***Pekin is broody with chick and duck eggs

    This is my first year for raising ducks. I have a Pekin and Anconda pair, totally free range. Long story short, my Pekin Betty White is sitting on a clutch of eggs right in the middle of my garden. She has been there at least a week, but I just found her today. The real issue is that there are...
  3. OoWeeFNP

    Ducks out of water?

    I don't think they necessarily need a pond, but they should have a soak and splash place. Home stores carry large concrete mix tubs (I think that's what they are for). They are large, shallow black tubs. Perfect for splashing but not too big to dump or put away. They are less than $20.
  4. OoWeeFNP

    Chickens and ducks

    Now that everyone is grown I have no problems other than the ducks like to chase the chickens off their food. When they were all little the ducks were pretty hateful to the chicks. I have 4 Rouens. They dont "fly" but they get 3-5 feet up in the air and go for a hundred feet or so.
  5. OoWeeFNP

    are your dogs and chicken friends

    Our border collie is a chicken and duck STALKER! He waits outside the run until we let them out to free range.
  6. OoWeeFNP

    Keeping light on in coop all night??

    I bought a solar rope light for $10. I mounted the solar panel out side and ran the rope in through a vent hole. My husband is in the process of converting my whole coop to solar, he's tired of picking up the extension cord to mow :)
  7. OoWeeFNP

    buff brahma HELP

    My BB is enormous too. I got a mixed batch from the hatchery and she has always been at least 25% bigger than anyone else. It looks like a girl to me.
  8. OoWeeFNP

    Spending $80 a month on feed, help me cut those costs!!

    I cut down on feed costs 3 ways: 1. Build a PVC feeder if you don't already have one. I could not believe how much feed they wasted! 2. The leftovers from dinner now go to the girlies instead of the dog. Fruit, veggies, meat, whatever. I have found very few things they won't eat. 3. I made a...
  9. OoWeeFNP

    2 week old flops over

    Yes and no. It's only one leg. I didnt know if spraddle leg always affected both legs or if it could just be in one. I read up on tendon slippage and I have ruled that out and it doesnt look broken. SHe does stand on it and there is no swelling, Its more like her leg is weak. She lays down...
  10. OoWeeFNP

    Help! A dog attacked my hen!

    Glad she's doing better. Just for future reference, signs of infection would be redness, and swelling. The skin would also be hotter to the touch. Gangrene is black and feels a little squishy. The edges of gangrene are usually defined, like you drew it with a sharpie. It doesn't usually fade...
  11. OoWeeFNP

    2 week old flops over

    I need some help please. I have a2 week old chick (not sure what kind sorry) who is having trouble standing up. Her right leg slowly slides out in front of her if she is stand on tile. If on rough surface she leans to the right until she is laying down on the right side and standing on the left...
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