Recent content by philter4

  1. philter4

    Grey Jungle Fowl

    Yes, it is future generations where the genetics break down. If you keep breeding hybrid to hybrid you can't get past 4-5 generations before the chicks become weak, infertility becomes a problem and health issues plague the bloodline. And this happens if you are using non related hybrids, from...
  2. philter4


    Dogs got in and killed everything while my friends were on a trip, the adults, the chicks, everything! There is a single hen left, But we have friends who have the line so Chad will be getting another cock, but to everyone I asked to contact me at the end of summer about pairs, There are none...
  3. philter4

    Grey Jungle Fowl

    The hybrid will be fertile, there is lots of evedence there is a small amount of grey jungle DNA in all domestic chickens, in fact where humans live near wild grey jungle fowl populations they are going extinct as a pure species because in the wild a male grey jungle fowl will only mate with a...
  4. philter4

    Eiders for sale

    Does anyone breed or know a breeder who has eiders for sale? Thanks, Phil
  5. philter4

    desqualking guineas?

    If you get wild type guinea fowl (vs domestic types) not only are the whole range of sounds quieter but unless there is something right in front of them they are usually silent. I've said this in other posts, if your loud and draw attention to yourself in the wild, you get eaten! There are...
  6. philter4

    Guineas with Blue Heads?

    It's hard to say what genetics are involved, they are not pure Reichenow's , but it looks like you might be right and there very well could be recent Reichenow's DNA crossed back into the mix. As for the size there are very large birds from French stock, I've never seen them and maybe they have...
  7. philter4

    Guineas with Blue Heads?

    Lizard king, even though I don't have any myself at the moment, they are available now, I know someone who has a pair for $550 ready to ship. If you contact me I'll put you in touch with the breeder.
  8. philter4

    Guineas with Blue Heads?

    The bird in the photo:,%20helmeted%2012-05%20a.jpg Is not a domestic guinea fowl, it is a Reichenow's guinea fowl. When the Europeans imported guinea fowl from Africa they did not separate the 5 subspecies of Numida meleagris, mixing...
  9. philter4

    Cool egg

    Last week one of my Americana hens payed a very cool egg, it was split almost right down the middle, blue on one side and green on the other. Here is a photo, it isn't perfectly 50/50, more like 45/55 bit still it looks really cool, to unique to eat! Here it is...
  10. philter4

    How much do guinea fowl cost?

    Maybe that is why he had so much trouble, they feed on seeds, grasses, and some insects in the wild so a seed and green diet with mealworms is ideal. Also they don't live in the tropics, they live in savanna habitat of east Africa, basically from Ethiopia south to Tanzania. Any quick internet...
  11. philter4

    How much do guinea fowl cost?

    Not sure about your source, but vulturines are not only fairly easy to raise but very docile, even passive, especially compared to helmeted guineas. Your right on as far as price, I will sell this years juveniles for $500 unsexed, $1200 a pair DNA sexed. They do fine in below freezing weather...
  12. philter4

    Can Guinea fowl live alone on the wild?

    Guinea fowl are not monogamous, they will mate with any available bird of the opposite sex, and even a brooding hen will sit on eggs that are not her own. As far as surviving, you mentioned you are near Austin, TX. The main thing that determines survivability are the temperature and predators...
  13. philter4

    Polymer Clay

    I started sculpting about 3 years ago now, I love to do trees, bushes and larger flowering plants for dioramas, the scale I use is 1:22 (1inch on the model is 22 inches in life), but recently by word of mouth and photos on Facebook I've been getting a lot of 1:12 dollhouse commissions. It seems...
  14. philter4

    Very unusual chick, Guinea / chicken hybrid!!

    I'm in Northern CA, in the mountains near Lake Tahoe. It gets cold here so I heat my barns for the birds and mammals that need it. Each of my bird flight pens is 40X10, and either 6 or 8 ft tall and has a 7X10 ft barn on one end. At the barn is also a protected area that is 5X10 that has a...
  15. philter4

    Very unusual chick, Guinea / chicken hybrid!!

    Interesting, and good to know, thanks for the information. I'm not a fan of hybrids personally but they fascinate me. I am getting pure Reichenow's guineafowl this year, until recently I kept all 4 Gallus species, although I've never kept wild red jungle fowl, only domestic chickens I still...
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