Recent content by RoKdHen

  1. RoKdHen

    new from colorado

    Hi again. I still can't figure out how to post new As. But here goes. Hot here. I think I'm getting my almost 4 month old clicks hydrated enuf but. There's goes. Half of them have runny poo, some tarry some fine. Do I give them all electrolytes when its only the heat of the day?
  2. RoKdHen

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    Well we culled a very mean little banty cockerel last night. He pulled out a beakful of ORP feathers. And he was really too small to eat. I get it now it's just part of the process of protecting the whole flock. I'm glad we were able to calmly dispatch him. Whew.
  3. RoKdHen

    Stella's Social Club

    Nice to find a Lil community here. Thanks for being here. New to raising chicks.
  4. RoKdHen

    culling for first time

    Yeah. Little peckers. Lol
  5. RoKdHen

    culling for first time

  6. RoKdHen

    Whats the most humane way to kill a chicken?

    . I'm curious about the broomstick method, did you get better at it?
  7. RoKdHen

    Does Zeo Horse Stall Freshener work as well as Sweet PDZ?

    Bueller, Bueller. Sorry funny comes first. I have the same question.
  8. RoKdHen

    Tips for selecting a rooster from my cockerels

    This was super helpful for me too. I'm at the same place with my 12 too.
  9. RoKdHen

    I am so stuck on ideas for the chicken coop

    Thank you thank you. Ridge and Jet. I had forgotten that we should have a place in there for isolation or brooding etc. off the the shed to ponder some more
  10. RoKdHen

    new from colorado

    Hiya. I'm also in Colorado close to Utah. Our weather IS crazy now. I'm going to tune into this thread for advice....? OK newbie hete
  11. RoKdHen

    How can I tame my dog to be "nice" to the chickens?

    Wondering on this too. Chicken Alumni...
  12. RoKdHen

    Turning a shed into a chicken house??

    Last post here between the 2 of us....2007. Not sure if we're going to get other responses
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