Recent content by SerenityRachel

  1. SerenityRachel

    Molting in Older Ducks

    Haha @Miss Lydia and @sourland isn't that the truth LOL Thank you both, I agree I think it's just a bad molt but of course I worry any time something is amiss. Our animals are all pets! And we just want them to be happy and comfortable! I'll keep you updated. It's cool and rainy here today so...
  2. SerenityRachel

    Molting in Older Ducks

    Thank you! She's definitely clean of parasites, and we only have female ducks. They get layer chicken feed and also free range (though she hasn't been since she's been inside). We use mealworms as treats but I will definitely add them in more for her, that's an excellent idea!
  3. SerenityRachel

    Molting in Older Ducks

    Hi All, I have a 5 year old Pekin duck. She's been molting for what seems like forever. It's such a rough molt, she actually lost big patches of her down. It was so bad that the flies actually laid eggs on her and she got maggots. We were able to clean her up and the couple superficial wounds...
  4. SerenityRachel

    Fly strike on ducks

    Hi Everyone. We have four female ducks, two 5-year old Pekins, and two 3-month old runner ducks. Everyone has been living outside together for a while, no drama or anything. The two pekins, Yoshi and Big Baby, have been molting and they've both been having pretty rough molts, rougher than...
  5. SerenityRachel

    -30 degrees in pennsylvania next week

    I'm in Ohio and we just had the polar vortex last week too. My girls are about to be 5 years old, and they've been through TWO polar vortexes now. No problems! We just keep their water heated and make sure they have plenty of straw. But they don't even want to go in their house! Silly girls. :)
  6. SerenityRachel

    Duck Videos Thread!

    Thanks! Waddling and flapping is their specialty! That, and making mud
  7. SerenityRachel

    Duck Videos Thread!

    Here's one of my favorite videos of our girls - our "seasonal ponds" had frozen but then it rained, so they decided to go out and play on the water covered ice. Ridiculous duck coordination issues ensued! More videos of the duck girls and also our goats...
  8. "Do you smell grass?"

    "Do you smell grass?"

  9. SerenityRachel

    Lets talk about goats!

    I just had to get my neighbor's goats out of their garage and back into their pen today as the neighbors weren't home. LOL!
  10. SerenityRachel

    Lets talk about goats!

    Haha aww poor dog! That sounds pretty cute though!
  11. SerenityRachel

    Lets talk about goats!

    Haha thanks!
  12. SerenityRachel

    Lets talk about goats!

    Some of the cities in the Cleveland area rent goat herds to clear out vacant lots, cemetaries, things like that. It's pretty cool!
  13. SerenityRachel

    Lets talk about goats!

    Here's our Nigerian Dwarfs! All wethers, they're 3 and 4 months old and we've had them for about a month now. P.S. our dog adores them and is pretty sure that she's a goat now too. LOL.
  14. SerenityRachel

    Two Male Ducks Mating!?!?

    I have three female Pekins, and they get... erm... extremely frisky with each other.
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