Recent content by urbanchicks76

  1. urbanchicks76

    Easter Egger pullet suddenly stops laying??

    I'm so glad you posted this question. My EE pullet stopped laying too! Its so strange. I have another EE that is laying just fine along with all the others. just this one suddenly stopped. Whats the deal??
  2. urbanchicks76

    Am I wasting $$ Organic VS non-organic feed?????

    I have been reading several threads on the best layers feed. Everyone has their opinions on what is best. There was very few discussions on Organic feed that I could find. I like the idea of raising my chickens with organic feed. The whole point for us raising chickens is to have the healthiest...
  3. urbanchicks76

    what is BOSS

    Got some for my girls and they could careless about it. I was hoping they would like it. My chickens are total divas!
  4. urbanchicks76

    Gorgeous EE Roster???

    Thanks all!! We are in an urban area and I don't think her neighbors will enjoy him as much as we all do. He is just too pretty to let go of though.
  5. urbanchicks76

    Gorgeous EE Roster???

    This is my friends Chicken. I told her it is definitely a rooster. I think she is in denial hoping it would be a hen because he is so gorgeous. Can anyone confirm this to be a Rooster. When will they start to crow? He is about 18 weeks and no crowing as of yet. That is why she is holding out...
  6. urbanchicks76

    what is BOSS

    Thanks for your info about BOSS! How much is ok to give them each day? Is is best to spread on the ground or put it in the feeder with their feed?
  7. urbanchicks76

    Woke up to horrible sight

    So sorry This is the second post I read like this this morning. Give the kidos lots of love.
  8. urbanchicks76

    Woke up to horrible sight

    so sorry, this is the second post I read like this. Give the kidos lots of love.
  9. urbanchicks76

    Deworming question???

    I have been reading some threads on deworming. I am new to chickens and still learning as I go. Do I need to deworm twice a year for my little backyard flock? My chickens all seem very healthy and happy. Every once in a while I find a sticky brown poop, almost pudding like. Is this a sign of...
  10. urbanchicks76

    My first coop my husband made for me

    Love your run! What are the chances of getting my hubby to make one for me? Slim to none is my guess. Good work!!
  11. urbanchicks76

    Chickens let lose in the garden..

    I would say goodbye to all your plants! They will dig everything up. I let mine out in my main yard for just a little while and they totally destroyed 5 plants. We put our chickens in a side yard Aprox. 15X30 with beautiful lush grass. Lets just say the few patches of grass that are left will be...
  12. urbanchicks76

    Think we had a case of heat sickness.

    Yesterday one of our EE was acting very strange. At first I thought it was just my imagination but when my 6 year old noticed I knew something was not right. She is moving around very slowly. She would go to the water but not drink. She was also standing very still. We kept an eye on her. Fed...
  13. urbanchicks76

    Is this true about Buffs Orpingtons?

    sorry Buff Orpingtons. Sounds like maybe this place wants to get rid of the other breeds too me.
  14. urbanchicks76

    Is this true about Buffs Orpingtons?

    I have a friend that is getting chickens this weekend and a local poultry farm told her not to get BO because they have weak stomachs and can die easily from eating things like basil. I am fairly new to chickens and I know there are some things all chickens should not eat but have never heard...
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