Recent content by YeOldeBarn6

  1. YeOldeBarn6

    San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

    I had always assumed the chickens would eat the black widows. Yikes! Bad crunchy spiders! I am looking at different chicken feeds and want to get away from any that contain meat or bone meal by-products. Looking at organic ones. I am hopeing to find something cost effective as well. Right now...
  2. YeOldeBarn6

    San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

    Dana, like everyone else, I am so sorry to hear what happened. What a beautiful boy he was. I had this same things happen to one in my flock a month ago. Looked like she had just layed down. No trama on her at all. It was very sad. Hugs to you
  3. YeOldeBarn6

    San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

    I agree. I can see the pleading in their eyes. Mama..... we are sooooo lonely. :) My hubby keeps checking out the chicks in Kahoots and today went and talked to someone at Catt's as they have older ones. He is cracking me up! I thought I was the only one in the family that wanted to be...
  4. YeOldeBarn6

    San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

    How sweet! Thank you so much. Is she the one that said she gave them as Teacher gifts?
  5. YeOldeBarn6

    San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

    What a great time we had! The weather was perfect and my hubby was into the chicken thing ( ) LOL Thank you so much to those of you that bought soaps and honey from us. We appreciate your support of our small buisness so much. Now to chickens (and turkeys) I went home to get another kennel...
  6. YeOldeBarn6

    San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

    Is it wrong to have names for chickens before you even have chickens?
  7. YeOldeBarn6

    San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

    Just wanted to add that we will also be selling our Local Raw Honey. And just in case..... I am bringing two crates. Ya case a chicken tells me she wants to come home and live in my horse trailer coop.
  8. YeOldeBarn6

    San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

    Angel is doing so good! What a good mama she is. Oh, and my husband informed me that he is "NOT" attached to the two baby chicks...... but he named them goldielocks and mr. penguin! LOL And I have caught him talking to them a few times. ;)
  9. YeOldeBarn6

    San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

    We will be there! I am so excited as this will be our second chicken meetup. Also not to mention that hubby just had the brilliant idea to turn one of our horse trailers into a chicken coop!! I will finally have more that one Serama chicken. :) The excitment may be to much for me. ;) We...
  10. YeOldeBarn6

    Goat Milk Lotion- How to- Recipes and Tips

    Posting so that I can find this later. I too am interested in making goats milk lotion.
  11. YeOldeBarn6

    I need a name for the farm

    Oh Renee. I think I am getting the hang of BYC. LOL Miller's Hill Top Farm Then you can have other signs under the main on that has the animals Goats * Chickens * Soaps Good advertising for when folks pass by. That being said I need to stalk you and drive by to see the new fence. Burn...
  12. YeOldeBarn6

    What are you canning now?

    Oh wow. How pretty!!!
  13. YeOldeBarn6

    Do you enjoy making Jams, Jellies and Marmalade's?

    Oh exciting! I am new and discovering how to navigate through this site. I LOVE making jams and jellies and ever since I have started, no one in my family will eat the store bought stuff. Just another step to self-sufficiency. :)
  14. YeOldeBarn6

    Growing your own food: April 2012

    I have a question. I start out as seeds and then move them to transplant. But when I move them and replant, I kill them! I tease my friend that can grow her garden that it is a good thing I can take care of my goats better than my plants. Where I am living, I am unable to have a raised garden...
  15. YeOldeBarn6

    Growing your own food: April 2012

    Oh good duckies!! Love this picture of them in there 'helping' you garden!
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