San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

If anyone wants to get rid of any freezer-camp ready roosters, I'll take 'em, (just PM me so I can bring a kennel up for them) thanks!
First off, you guys are awful... awfully good at enabling! I'm wearing a wig and disguise tomorrow so I don't end up with freezer crates full of chickens.

Renee: I do have extra MM chick starter, but it is the soy-free variety. Let me know if you're still in need, and we'll arrange a get-together.

I'm excited for tomorrow even if I'm going to have to hide from half of you.
I'm sorry I outed you... I thought you were ready to come out. Well, you can join me in the "why am I taking chickens home when I didn't get rid of any first" club; we meet weekly for support. Dues are a bag of chick starter, or all the egg shells from whatever hatched in your incubator.

Anyone bringing silkies to the meetup? I am looking for quality blacks, or barred. Whites maybe. Chicks preferred, kind of my new policy to not bring adult birds into my flock now.

I am selling two white silkies that each have a tiny spot of black on their backs. One is a regular feather and one is a frizzle. I was holding them for a friend but turns out one was a boy so now I am selling them as a pair for her.
Just wanted to add that we will also be selling our Local Raw Honey.

And just in case..... I am bringing two crates. Ya case a chicken tells me she wants to come home and live in my horse trailer coop.

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