San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

I can't wait to see how many boxes HemetDennis is bringing...
I cant go this time that's why I was reminding everyone to bring boxes for those that may only bring one small box.
Hi Dana! He's beautiful! I am working on purebred ameraucanas - I hatched some lavendar, blues and blacks and blue wheatens. It will take some time to get the stock established. I also started and they are producing a Speckled Sussex, GLW, FBCM, EE, and a lavendar orpington roo over blue wyandottes hens breeding pens - and my seramas are hatching like crazy! I am only using one little very fertile A roo who carries a blue gene - I got my first completely blue chick this morning - so exciting!

I think I've lost my mind...........but after reading many of the posts it looks like I'm in good company!

See you tomorrow - I may be going up with Glenn.

Hi Laurel! I owned this guy previously, and he is a full brother to my current roo shown below. (Both are pure Ameraucanas.) I tried to find a good picture of Mr. Blue, but I can't find any on my computer...

PS - that's one of the Blue Andalusians I got from you next to him!

I can't wait to see how many boxes HemetDennis is bringing...
You can raise them in any good sized container (appropriate shape, surface area is important). Back when I worked in an Aquarium store, we used to sell them as hobby fish, and I never knew they were edible. They are cool in the aquarium because they are mouth breeders. The female will clear off a rock very meticulously and when she is satisfied she lays her eggs on the rock then the male will swim along the rock and fertilize the eggs. Once the eggs are fertilized the female scoops em up in their mouth where they will reside till they hatch.

Mommas act of breathing keeps them oxygenated and they are very protected in her mouth. Then after they hatch they will swim out of moms mouth to forage on Krill or little organisms in the tank on the walls and amongst the gravel and plants. You can buy baby fish food too. If they get frightened they all run to momma who scoops them all up. They will continue to do this till they cant all fit in moms mouth.

Oh and there are over three hundred species most are strictly warm water but there are a few that will handle temperatures down to 75 degrees. I am shaking my head here. We just sold them as African Cichlids and rarely looked at the scientific name. That was back in 1975. Who would have known back then.

Compost Girl and Chef Glenn - your reservations at Chickens Hoarders Anonymous are now ready.

I’m excited to see so many of you on Saturday! I was wrong about my dates, so my husband WILL be home - that means I can spend all dang day there. YIPPEE! I am bringing a box. One small, tiny, minute box. Only one. No more. ONE BOX.

Well, thank you so much. With this announcement, you just took away my "Anonymous" status, so I am now merely a Chicken Hoarder.

Since I now do not need to remain cautious about anyone finding out any longer, I have nothing to lose. In celebration, I will bring you another box, to go with your small, tiny, minute one. A nice big one that will fit a turkey.
Have fun at the meetup tomorrow, everyone. I have to work :(

BTW, does anyone have a spare bag of MM chick starter? Or Magill Ranch Cascade starter/grower? I misjudged the amount I needed.
I cant go this time that's why I was reminding everyone to bring boxes for those that may only bring one small box.  :frow
As I'm packing my car for the meet up I oddly keep hearing this voice telling me to pack boxes. Although I have NO intention of bringing anything home I've prepared 3 crates and a box.
You're a trouble maker aren't you?

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