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  1. Fowldad

    Ducks breaking eggs

    Thank you Miss Lydia, I have the same thing going on, first batch were all bad. Now she or another (She is in with 9 guineas and two other ducks one of which has 6 babies running around) broke and ate the egg and she is on another batch of eggs that were laid today. I run her off the nest, took...
  2. Fowldad

    A part-time broody duck?

    I’m glad for all the post! I have a duck that was doing the same thing and then went ahead and went broody, but all the eggs were dead. However when I went out tonight together eggs out of the nest beside her she was sitting on those legs and made it quite clear that she wasn’t interested in me...
  3. Fowldad

    4 x 4 goat and sheep chickens fit through?

    Thanks everybody for posting, I had wanted to get 2X4x4'woven for a parameter fence but have have an opportunity to pick up 4X4. I'll plan on a bottom liner of chicken wire and if they fly over... ho well. My birds seldom leave about a 100' Radius of the coop but I'm hopeful they will venture...
  4. Fowldad

    How many hours spent with your chickens?

    Anywhere from an hour to like the past three days basically all day because I Moved their coop and reset the fence and gate around it. Guineas do not like change!
  5. Fowldad

    My turkey poults keep dying and I'm at a loss

    Similar to a pony drawn I have 10 broad breasted and this is my first year raising them (I have managed to raise some chickens up last year) the first two that died I’m pretty sure we’re just too dumb to walk over to the light to get warm but the third one made me wonder if I had to show them to...
  6. Fowldad

    Comment by 'Fowldad' in article 'Ooodalolly at DunRovin Station'

    Great job on the coop!!! I am going to guess that you will buy the girls a bigger truck so you can haul their material easier for next 'expansion project' or maybe a trailer? Looks good with elbow room to grow.
  7. Fowldad

    Has anyone heard of a icecube loving duck?

    Ok, Well I'm glad mine aren't the only ice eating ducks around! They have food and fresh water yet it's off to the ice pieces! Kinda nice really as they are eating them off the back porch... now if I can just get them to not poop while on the porch 🤣
  8. Fowldad

    Comment by 'Fowldad' in article 'THE MULLIGAN'

    ...into more of a loft to store hay and one side a roost. I'm thinking now that rather than poop trays I could put up poop deflector boards say at a 45* angle? This will give me an excuse to do a Design Modification, as if I need an excuse! I'm probably up to DM 5,000 by now!!! Well not really...
  9. Fowldad

    Comment by 'Fowldad' in article 'What to Do When Your Roosters are Fighting and How to Care for Them Afterwards'

    Thanks for the affirmation, I had felt that letting them sort it out is best. I had two roos that tormented the other birds. Notice I said 'had', I put them to a place they could better serve... on the table. I now have the two bantam roos that continually duke it out for last and next to last...
  10. Fowldad

    Official BYC Poll: Do You Grow Fodder For Your Chickens?

    I set up a Quack-a-phonics system last fall, had it in operation for about a month and then the guineas found out were the goodies were coming from!! As I have 5 ducks that supply more than enough poo I pump the water out of their 'pond' into the 'system' which consist of 6 half totes (The water...
  11. Fowldad

    Chicken Breed Focus - Dutch Bantam

    I was wondering what I had, The cleaning lady gave me 12 Bantams 2 are the roos your talking about. Now to sort the other 10!!
  12. Fowldad

    Backyard Pole Light

    I have a similar situation in that the yard light is about 30' from the coop. I put in a clear vent cap that's 18" wide so I could get some light in the coop as well as two clear sheets on the roof. I have guineas as well as chickens and ducks. I had found that thus far they don't seem to mind...
  13. Fowldad

    What do you do with excess roosters?

    I'll eat them. And as in earlier post, I won't name them, unless it is something like "Stew" or "BBQ", something in line with their destiny.
  14. Fowldad

    Official BYC Poll: What Is Your Perspective On Chickens For Meat

    While raised on a farm and very familiar with where my food comes from I have to admit I was reserve about my first kill. I have 30ish birds, Guineas, Chickens and Ducks. The aggressive 3 Roos I wish would stop being aggressive but I'm not going to try and rehab them into what I think is best, I...
  15. Fowldad

    Comment by 'Fowldad' in article 'How Much Room Do Chickens Need?'

    This is my first year and according to the numbers I could double the birds I have. I have 9 Guineas, 5 Ducks, 2(Two)Hens, 3 Roosters and 12 Bantams (with 10 of them Roosters) thus far I've had no problems. They all free range 6 days a week and they all come "Home" to roost. While the numbers...
  16. Fowldad

    Official BYC Poll: Where Did You Get Your Coop & Run From?

    Built Both coop and pen 100% from scratch with new and used materials.
  17. Fowldad

    Ice melt and chickens?

    I won't use anything I don't what them to eat. My run will get sand if I need to, I'm in eastern Kansas.
  18. Fowldad

    Official BYC Poll: What Do Your Chickens Live In?

    Coop, net covered run and free range. The coop was build on a old 5th wheel trailer frame that's 25' long. The covered run is approximately 1,500 sq. ft. with from 8' to 5' of head room. And one 8'x2' stock tank for the 'Duck pond'.
  19. Fowldad

    Fire Safety in your Chicken Coop & Barn - IMPORTANT!

    Thanks for being brave enough to post this, I'm sorry you lost all your animals. I believe I'll be upgrading my coop with conduit. I already have cages around the light and am running a heavy extension cord but conduit is good. Please post pictures of your new barn, I have no doubt all of us...
  20. Fowldad

    Comment by 'Fowldad' in article 'Selecting Good Flock Roosters'

    Thanks for the article! This spring I started with Ducks and Chickens and Guineas Ho My!! I ended up getting two batches of birds, the first turned out to be 4 roosters and 2 chickens with 5 ducks. Raising them all together has been interesting. As I plan on having grandbabies around, an...
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