My husband went to fill up the 40 pound feeder. It had 7 eggs in it. I wondered why I was getting fewer eggs all of a sudden. Lol. Would like to have seen one fly to the top of the feeder and get down to the bottom to lay and egg. Not to mention the feeder is suspended off the ground.
I am hatching full silkied chicks. Parents are blue roo and splash roo over splash, blue, and black girls. If you want some of these full silkied AMs please let me know. They are from Catkai and Trish in NY. I have some hatching today and tomorrow. I am NPIP and can ship. Picture is of...
I have several splash and blue full silkied chicks for sale. Send me message if interested. They are between 1-3 wks old right now. I can ship when they are a little older.
I have 11 full silkied eggs from the above pen I can ship out tomorrow. Send message if interested. $125 includes shipping. Will hatch blue, splash, and possible a black. All parents are full silkied.
My flock of silkied AMs. I have at least 4 laying now. 5 more yet to start laying. I am hatching chicks. I have a blue roo and a splash roo. Over splash, one blue, and one black. Will soon separate them into 2 pens.
I have collected 6 eggs to set for a test hatch from my flock of all silkied ameraucanas. If they develop, I will be able to start offering eggs early spring. I have a pen of 10 pullets and 2 Roos. Should produce blue, black, and splash.
28 weeks to 34 weeks. Total of 12 hens. None laying yet. But a few have combs that are getting red. Fingers crossed that I get an egg before Christmas.
I will ship silkied eggs. Once they start laying, I will test hatch for fertility. I guess shipping will be February or March. Just waiting on the girls to start laying.
I have about 12 silkied ameraucana pullets blue, black and splash in with a blue silkied boy. They that should start laying very soon. I will offer eggs in early Spring. [quote name="dheltzel" url="/t/827543/silkied-ameraucana-project/790#post_16105791
My silkied. Should start laying soon. 12 splash pullets, pair blue, and 3 black split to lavender pullets. And a couple splash Roos in another pen. Should be hatching lots of these guys soon. Also have 4 or more split pullets. Some aren't old enough yet to sex. I will keep those just...