Silkied Ameraucana Project



My silkied. Should start laying soon. 12 splash pullets, pair blue, and 3 black split to lavender pullets. And a couple splash Roos in another pen. Should be hatching lots of these guys soon. Also have 4 or more split pullets. Some aren't old enough yet to sex. I will keep those just in case.
I ended up with a trio of normal feathered Ameraucanas from Jubaby. The only way I was going to try to salvage the idea of getting silkied offspring was to try and breed them to Silkies. They're about five years old now and I'm no spring chicken myself. The cock produced 50% silkied birds when bred to a Silkie hen. "Three in and three out", breeding his daughters back to him. Some birds look like standard sized Silkies that lay blue eggs and some look like Silkied Ameraucanas. They all have the Silkie disposition, which can be a good or a bad thing depending on how you look at it. All of them are hardy and robust...No health problems there. None will be sold. I'm not anxious to have adults shipped to me. I just thought I'd throw this out there to see if there was a chance I could get some Silkied Ameraucanas to breed to my trio before they're too old. If not, I'll keep going with my project. I've got some really nice ginger red and paint birds.
If you had a trio of splits - breeding them together would produce 25% silkied 50% splits and 25% non gene carrier. There have been a few that have let full SiAms straight BBS cockerels go. I have some probable splits from split to split breeds available - most likely also split for choc.
I don't know exactly what I got from Jubaby. She was first introducing normal feathered birds in an attempt to get a more vigorous bird. I know she had sent some eggs from the original birds but the chicks never made it out of the shells. I also hatched a black chick from the eggs she sent which couldn't have been an F1 or F2. The whole thing was a disaster for me and it will take years for me to breed the black skin and extra toes out of my line. I'm disappointed that nobody here can spare a few eggs to the pure birds back into my birds. I'm certainly not looking for a free handout, either. I know it's not anyone's problem but my own....
I don't know exactly what I got from Jubaby. She was first introducing normal feathered birds in an attempt to get a more vigorous bird. I know she had sent some eggs from the original birds but the chicks never made it out of the shells. I also hatched a black chick from the eggs she sent which couldn't have been an F1 or F2. The whole thing was a disaster for me and it will take years for me to breed the black skin and extra toes out of my line. I'm disappointed that nobody here can spare a few eggs to the pure birds back into my birds. I'm certainly not looking for a free handout, either. I know it's not anyone's problem but my own....

Where are you located? I don't ship, and my birds are not yet laying, but I hope to have eggs and chicks available in the spring - local pickup only though.
Where are you located? I don't ship, and my birds are not yet laying, but I hope to have eggs and chicks available in the spring - local pickup only though.

I have about 12 silkied ameraucana pullets blue, black and splash in with a blue silkied boy. They that should start laying very soon. I will offer eggs in early Spring. [quote name="dheltzel" url="/t/827543/silkied-ameraucana-project/790#post_16105791
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Thank you, Marsha and dheltzel. I'm located in southern NH so it looks as if local pickup is out of the question. I can wait until early spring. Especially not knowing what kind of a winter we will have this year it's best to wait. Last year was brutal. But I'd raise them indoors if need be, I'll see if I can find a photo of my original birds.
I just found this thread and after the disappointment of hatching three "Amerucauna" eggs I was bummed to realize I had been mislead. I am bound and determined to get real Amerucaunas and now that I know they come in the silkie variety, I am even more determined. Oh gosh they are SOOO cute!

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