Nope. Baby just hatched this am. And other guy was last Wednesday!
But that's ok. I will have lots more pix as they grow. Have two more due to hatch next Wed.
So, I heard an old wive's tale about sexing eggs.
Anyone know of it's true?
A pointed egg is male and a female egg is more oval.
Cool concept, but, sure wish I knew.
Any other cry babies here?
I wish I had known just how hard it really is emotionally when hatches don't turn out the way we want them to. Granted, I'd probably still do it, but, blah...
My little Goosie was internally pipped on Sunday, which was lockdown. Last night, it had cracked the...
Not even a pip. But, tomorrow is hatch day, so... leaving alone. The picking was done already before I got to it, because, I thought, like a chick, that if they didn't get the membrane off after 24 hours there would be issues...
I make my hubby do the mean and nasty stuffs, cuz it hurts my heart.
Here is my sweet little egg.
I wet it a little inside, and put a wet paper towel under the egg. "She" is happily cheeping away, but, I am still afraid.
Yes, she is still cheeping away. There is an internal and external pip, but, the membrane is still very much in tact. Humidity is between 50-58%. Think she'll be ok without drying up?
My gosling internally pipped last night about I'd say 9:30pm.
She still hasn't pipped externally.
How long can she go unassisted? I read the assisted hatch, and have assisted a hatch before, (last hatch). But there is no crack in this shell?