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  1. bonder

    HELP! Chickens stopped laying...

    We went on a week (ended up being 4 days) vacation, leaving a 20 year old family member in charge of our 2 year old flock of about 30 birds. Before we left, I filled an 8 gallon waterer and put out 50 lbs of feed. We came back early and discovered that chicken chores hadn't been done all week...
  2. bonder

    Too many roos in iowa.

    I can't bear to butcher ours either so I take them to a processor. If someone else butchers it, it's more like just trading your "pet" for some food. It doesn't even seem weird or gross. The price is very reasonable, like $2-3 per chicken. I see you're in the Des Moines area. I'm sure there...
  3. bonder

    Question about the hen raising chicks????

    I agree with the above poster. Once some start to hatch, move everybody to the ground. Food and all. Is there a way to confine mama and the babies, just for a few days within the coop? I have a dog kennel, with a locking door, that I let mama finish hatching in. I put her, the hatched...
  4. bonder

    what is best way to deal with a broody girl.

    well, one sure fire way is to let her hatch a few...
  5. bonder

    First broody hen questions.

    I am having the same problem with my broody hen! She gets up and stretches and while she's gone, someone else hops into her nest box and lays eggs. Then the broody gets all confused and starts setting on whatever eggs she can find. Some people put their broody hen in a different pen, with...
  6. bonder

    How long does broody hen have to sit on eggs till they hatch?

    I think it's okay for her to get up and walk around a few times a day. You just don't want her to leave the eggs for too long. Mine used to go outside and run around for a few minutes and just when I thought the eggs were getting too cold, she'd come back and sit on them again. Mine...
  7. bonder

    Remember that movie...

    Can you actually get one on your chickens? Do the chickens fuss about getting one put on? Anybody have a pattern to make one?
  8. bonder

    Remember that movie...

    Remember that movie, Bareback Mount Hen? My hens are auditioning for the main parts! Seriously, I have too many roosters and my hens are getting bare backs. I cannot bring myself to dispose of the roosters. I have tried Craigslist and Facebook but no one wants them. Anyone have any...
  9. bonder

    broody hen quit, can the eggs be saved?

    ...I'm looking for. They look "okay" from what I've read on here. Can they still hatch even after she let them get cold? I suppose it's about 50* in the coop. I don't have an incubator so for now, the eggs are in a basket, on the stove with the oven on low. I'm not interested in...
  10. bonder

    Saddest looking broody ever

    I've been waiting and waiting for someone to go broody. Finally I've got a hen who wants to sit on eggs. She was the sweetest, most timid bird until she became broody, now she's a mean old mama. She's always been scrawny and looks terrible. As a baby chick, I didn't think she would make it...
  11. bonder

    Is this molting, mites or lice or something else?

    I realize a picture would be most helpful in this situation. I'll try to get one soon. Until then... Quite a few of my birds are losing some of their regular feathers and getting downy looking feathers instead. They chickens were hatched July 2010 (5 months). They never went through a...
  12. bonder

    Water filled milk jugs as insulation?

    But I kinda think - unless it is wicked cold ~ like 0'F Ha ha! 0'F isn't wicked cold, at least not around here! My chickens have survived temps of 10 to 15 below so far with no ill effects and NO heat. Thank you all for the replies. Alas, I will find a better, more efficient use for my...
  13. bonder

    Water filled milk jugs as insulation?

    My family drinks a ton of milk. At least 5 gallons every week. What I'm wondering is... If I fill the empty milk jugs with water and put them inside my chicken house, along the tarp which divides the building, would they provide additional insulation? The water itself will freeze but would...
  14. bonder

    Night boxes for roosters

    Someone on here uses a stereo speaker box (the carpeted kind with the hole in the front for the speaker). I'm not sure of the specs or what they do with the big hole in the front. Maybe someone else will remember who posted the speaker box idea...
  15. bonder

    Chicken phrases

    Last one is a rotten egg Winner, winner, chicken dinner! goose bumps (or chicken skin) If it ain't chickens, it's feathers (If it's not one thing, it's another)
  16. bonder

    let her hatch or break her broodiness?

    I have an EE who has been laying eggs for MAYBE 2 months. The EE was hatched at the end of June. She is now determined to hatch some eggs. She will not get out of the nesting box unless we make her. I'm okay with letting her hatch a couple eggs but I'm worried about what to do with the...
  17. bonder

    Molting or Broody egg laying RSL hen who injures self(pic)?

    I'm curious, too. I'll be watching for an answer.
  18. bonder

    First time building coop run and roost!

    My roost has lots of boards for the chickens but they all crowd up to the top 2. The chicken house and roost was here when I moved in, so it's hard to describe BUT... They basically took 3 really sturdy boards (like 2 by 12's), hung them perpendicular to the wall and notched out spaces equal...
  19. bonder

    How do you get the chickens to the processor?

    We are taking around 20 roosters, various breeds, to a poultry processor on Monday. They need to make a 40 minute car/truck ride alive. It's COLD and snowy here so we have to keep the wind out while letting fresh air in. What do you use? I'm thinking a couple dog crates and/or rubbermaid...
  20. bonder

    could this be the chicken laying blue green eggs

    I know the picture isn't very clear but this is my green egg layer. Looks a lot like yours. Mine is from McMurray Hatchery. She was our first to lay and I've taken the hot egg out from under her so I'm positive it's hers.
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